WOW! OKAY! SO I THINK I got this...
This suspension geometry was killing my head and I was having a SUPER hard time trying to grasp it all! Big words and all and no illustrations to show what the heck they were talking about! What heck is up with that?
So I'm taking it uber seriously and if I get to it tomorrow I'll be taking uber mass amounts of measurements!
I've got some pictures I can use as well to help define everything and will post up some really interesting stuff!
BTW, I felt compelled to post up some info. on all this wicked crazy mad scientist stuff that Seth the braniac can come so easily to understand!
I hope it REALLY helps you guys out like it did me. I also hope as well that we all seriously start taking this stuff into consideration before building a bag setup! I realized how important this is to know to really get your ride going in the right direction, literally!
I've got alot to do tomorrow and I hope Seth can give me a little more light on this subject and I'll be on my way to baggin' this puppy VERY SOON! WOOO!
BTW, I've got a couple questions as well:
1. When bagging the front, how does laying frame work? I don't get how you can lay frame in the front with a size tire and lay frame as well on a diff size tire? I realize that if you bag it and change the tire size but still match the old tire size OD of the new one you will still lay frame. But is there anything critical like bracket placement that determines laying frame, or is it based on just how much is notched out of the LCA?
2. I just thought about this, and I realize I had the answer in the previous post, but with the bushing link ends, should I weld the jam nut to the link end and then thread it into the link bar or weld just the bushing link to the bar or nothing at all and maybe use some loctite so the jam nut does'nt come loose?