Excuse me, but its just I've never done this before and I did'nt know what to expect for pinion change. I know it will change a little bit over a given distance, but I thought I might have alot more change than anticipated.
Hehehe, well Seth it seems like you don't have many bumpy roads and alot of turning to do? I figure that if I have maybe an inch or so before they tuck, it would be a good ride height cause then I would'nt have to struggle with the wheel rubbing the fenders trying to turn and not hassle with hitting the switches on a corner to clear so I can turn. Other then that, maybe I can overcome this when lower too, but like I said, I dunno what to expect.
As far as setting the geometry up at ride height, how can I do this? When I think about it, the axle location is fixed based upon the tire diameter. Which now that I think about the frame end, means that he x-member I'm going to attach the link ends to would have to be taller so the links can sit higher when I'm lower? So really, if I'm right, don't change the geometry of the links like I have it now, just change the size of he x-member?
As far as the pinion angle goes, I was asking at how much to set it cause maybe you preload the pinion angle in compensation for acceleration? I realize the 4-link is stouter than the leaf spring suspension so maybe I don't need to compensate, or maybe a couple degrees at that?
Lol, I was also a bit of an airhead last night too. Late and alot was going on but now I remember about where to set it at..
AND, all that notch info was a BIG HELP! Cause, when I was told to figure for the notch, it would'nt have worked out like this does! Thanks Seth! Haha! Hey man, have you noticed that you've basically helped me turn my project thread into a friggin' techie?!