Right? OR would it have been 4" above from on top of the rail? Lol, cause it just kinda looks really small, lol!
Here is how I got to that conclusion...
TIRE OD: 26"
Axle tube Diameter: About 3" RADIUS: 1.5"
1/2" Compensation for bottoming out on metal to metal.
So my equation went like this: TIRE RADIUS= 13" 13"+1.5"= 14.5" Required axle clearance.
My measurements were 21" and 21 1/2" frame over axle. SO I took the bigger number. Frame under cab height was 10"
So it went like this: 21 1/2"-10"= 11.5" of the frame above the axle when laid out.
SO, 14.5"-11.5"= 3" Notch size. I decided that I would add another inch for cushion and to keep it off the frame. Which if combined, would be 1.5" above axle on notch. That kind of gap is'nt huge IMO. So I'll stick with it.
Now whether or not I place this above the rail or below is the question. I just really want to make sure before I start laying beads!
So here I will respond to your previous post, Seth! I gotta catch up, lol!
You oughtta provide us a link to those bilstein shocks, cause they sound bad ass! I think that 6 inch ride height will be nice for me!
*As I read what Seth says about RH, I'm uh-huhing in agreement and approval* lol...
So, let me see if I got this right?
- Get the truck on some stands, and then jack the axle up. to determine the ride height. use the space between the notch and axle. When the axle is at the position you want, use the measurements that I have in my excel sheet and set up the 4-link at those numbers?
So, if that is so, I need to also add the height of the jacks as well to the 4-link height numbers too, lol...
Well, ya, I guess I'm gonna have a little thinking over to do to refab the e-brake... As well, the brake line too...
Set it and forget it! It was a stupid TV ad for this rotissary cooker thing that cooked anything in this amount of time and made it juicy and tasty, etc. LOL! Don't ask how I remember, but now that makes me hungrier!
HAHA! LOL! BUT! Its gonna be my DAILY dragger! I hope getting fussy with this all is'nt getting you guys aggrivated, but I like to know what the hell I'am doing...
Now, I guess I should'nt have kept my mouth shut on this one, but what I was asking and I guess I must have explained it wrong was to set it for compensation at whatever angle I have. I know what to do to find the angles and all I just did'nt know whether or not our trucks would need any preload. BUT, now that I know, its all good!
Yea, as well, I would rather reaalllly prefer an E-brake! I don't think down shifting is going to do enough!
LOL! Well I can't either! I'm working my arse off to see how far I can get, but it is'nt working! Too much other stuff comes up, dangit!
I gotta drive the dang thing eventually soon too! I hope alot of people learn something from all of this! Cause this is just craaaaazy!
So I never got that dinner that I was talking about, haha!
I'm not going to be taking out that last x-member out until I get the 4-link member in and probably the shock member when the notches go in!
I ALSO would like to enlighten EVERYONE that you do not need a STD CAB TANK! I found out that if you notch the rear rails on each side at 3/4" you can fit the tank between the rails! Then, just drill holes in the rails for the tank bolts and your good to go! I will be adding some 1x1n the bottom though for some support and security...