Racer x, the wheels are 18'' pajero rims, they are off jap import mitusishi pajeros, they may have been on some of the australian release ones, but im not really sure.
What cool stuff would that be toddluck?
hahaha, fair enough, if you ever want hoods or grills let me know, they are pretty easy to come by here.
mean time you guys have so much more air and aftermarket stuff over there.
I want to import my bag gear and the like from the u.s. any suggestions?
I saw a courier with billet grill insert about a week after I changed my front to the b2000 one.
Looked real sweet, kinda regret not keeping all my bits now.
I don't know if you get the mazda marvie/proceed but they have nice fat guards in the front.
The proceed bonnet's no good for you unless you fully ditch the grille and make a phantom one or extend the centre to take up the bit in the middle where the centre dips down on the courier.