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Mazda Projects \  Been a long time since ive updated my thread.. here it is

Been a long time since ive updated my thread.. here it is

Mazda Projects
views 12743
replies 80
following 26
badchicn (rick)   +1y
Totally sweet!
futrao   +1y
truck definately looks sweet
twitchvoodoo   +1y
thanks guys i've been waiting so damn long to get some rims and tires... and bgdb26k i seen your truck on here and its the reason i got these rims in the first place...(cheesy )lol anyways the lugs were like ten bucks from the rim shop and he put the lock ones on there to.... any body know if i can c notch it and just run the back bags for know?? ghetto but i im gonna break my neck with the back axle hitting the if so could i run a air line so i can fill it up with the compressor in my garage??? thanks for the help and comments..
crazymikey   +1y
that is suckin fexy!
paparoach1983   +1y
sweet good to see you can roll on them
twitchvoodoo   +1y
got a new set up for xmas.. super excited.. 8 half in. valves 1 480 compressor 2 dual needle gauges 1 single needle gauge 60ft of 1/2 inch line 1 8port 5 gallon tank 1pressure switch and 1 relay and a 7 switch box...What else do i need to finish my kit?? i still need a 4 link, bags, notches, and fittings.. if i for got anything please let me know.. ://
skrapinsask   +1y
That's an awesome xmas present!
my present to myself was air ride parts and tools
mrb2000   +1y
bag brackets
mazdadropped   +1y
if you can afford it get slams (y) but you might want dump and fill controls (i reccomend it if your getting a body drop, cuz your setup will be fast)
paparoach1983   +1y
man i wish i got that for christmas nice setup man