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Mazda Projects \  Been a long time since ive updated my thread.. here it is

Been a long time since ive updated my thread.. here it is

Mazda Projects
views 12744
replies 80
following 26
twitchvoodoo   +1y
thanks guys my wife mom and dad and best buddy all pitched in to get me this... what do you mean by fill and dump controls?? i need to talk to dev to get all this.. i want one more tank also and maybe run nitrogen
list.... bag brackets
fill/dump controls
all fittings
madbagger   +1y
if im not mistaken. dump/fill controls allow you to control how fast your truck drops and lifts so if you have a body drop your truck wont slam the ground really hard everytime and possibly damage your body when you drop it. and it wont lift up really fast if you dont want it to.
mazdadropped   +1y

thats exactly what it is , it also saves you from alot of body work
twitchvoodoo   +1y
oh i will have to do that then.. At least the dumps, i dont think the up will be to fast.. do they have quick disconnect fittings for the valves???
skrapinsask   +1y
Cheap dump control is plastic end caps in your dump valves with holes drilled according to how fast you want it to drop down. There are little manual valves that connect to your dumps to adjust it quickly but this is the cheap way.
airedout89   +1y
If you ever want to sell that rear bumper let me know. I cant find one to save my soul.
twitchvoodoo   +1y
lol i will let you know if i get rid of it...
twitchvoodoo   +1y
A couple new pics.. ://
droppedmydawg   +1y
Nice except that H8ter leaning against your truck Tell him it's a truck not a sofa.

You asked about the notch and rear bags, just run a notch and rear mono leafs for now. You can do your notch and just hold off on your rear bags until you get your whole setup ready to go. Then you will be that much more ready when the time comes. It looks good though. -Ed
twitchvoodoo   +1y
lol yah whos that hater on my im gonna run the rear notch as soon as i can afford it havent been workin much..enough with the crying ,lol.. thssnks man.