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Mazda Projects \  Layd out 87 with new z71's pic on page 6

Layd out 87 with new z71's pic on page 6

Mazda Projects
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j$c   +1y
my green wagon

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89mazdawg(daniel)   +1y
sweet wagons
j$c   +1y
thanks man. We're looking at trading my dads black wagon, for a mini... Had a guy offer us a reg cab body dropped mazda, it was just a lil too rough. possibly going to look at an ext cab hardbody on 20's today and talking to somebody about it that has ext cab taco thats bagged too... whatever we trade for I'll post up pics and start a build thread once we start working on it.
mazdaman82   +1y
oh ya man pics pics pics... we love pics

great work too
j$c   +1y
we bought another ext cab today, will be my dads truck and he's still looking to trade the wagon for another mini.

I started a thread for his truck too, links below

j$c   +1y
Let me know what y'all think?

Traded the Black wagon, straight up for this. 95 Sonoma Laying Rockers with a 5 inch body drop, 4 pump hydros, SD 3 Link, SD gastank crossmember, Lower Control arms, Rebuilt 2.2, rebuilt 5 speed, shaved tails, with grant Skin.
Gonna pick up some 18" daytons for it on thurs

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j$c   +1y
also am going to get a step notch and bag brackets, when I go swap the wires on thurs.

The white/maroon mazda, is the one my dad picked up for $400. Will be using the notch and brackets to bag it.
droppedmydawg   +1y
Sweet! now you just need to scrap the juice and bag the dime and you are set. J/K. You will definitely notice a ride difference though. Nice truck collection you got going. -Ed
j$c   +1y
lol. We had a mazda on juice about ten years ago, and the dime most deffinately rides a lot better. I was surprised in the ride of it. But the bag swap is a very good possibility, if we find somebody to buy the juice...