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project no budget...check it

Mazda Projects
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loud&low   +1y
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my buddy at the welding shop thought i look like hancock
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more rattle can work
i almost cried to have to do it like this but had nobdy to show me any other way i think i'm gettin a lil better at welding i know it's not pretty and i know i'ma catch flak but it's my truck and the gate don't open no more so i would say i was successful
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my made brakets for the front bags just cut
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and the best thing i've gotten in a while
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and the link to my vid : and again this is not the box i'm useing for my subs in anyway just a quick mock up so no telling me my sub box is garbage i will be useing 1" mdf for my sub box i'm a audio freak and have trophys to show it
neptune   +1y
only tip i can give(and im not a welder at all) is to strip the paint/rust/anything off the metal first, btw i dont think i caught it anywhere but what type of welder are you using?? some are easier to learn with than others, so ive heard...

also i noticed in your vid you said you might replace the engine, i recommend a kia fe3 cuz its dohc and bolts right up to the mounts and transmission.. f2t(probe or mx6 turbo) does too but there is more work with the distributor cuz it would go into the firewall..
madlowmazda   +1y
This has got to be a joke right?

At least you didn't ruin a good truck...

We'll be seeing this in the junkyard in a few months

Hope you are having fun and learning.
loud&low   +1y
no it's not a joke any why on gods green earth would my truck end up in a junk yard and it's a great truck thnk you and thenx neptune i'm useing a 115v stick welder and i have a buddy with a turbo probe engine would that work?
so madlowmazda what exactly is so wrong with my truck that is not fixable or in the proccess or currently fixed please explain instead of just being an ass and demeaning me thanx i'm not a 16 year old kid just f-in around (no disrespect to the kids out there learning mad props to you)
89mazdawg(daniel)   +1y
i dont think i've ever seen so many negative comments so fast. at least your learning man, and the quality can only get better. so keep it up
porkchop69   +1y
Heres the deal man im not a hater by anymeans but at least the dude is trying
remember when you first picked up a welder? im sure your welds werent any prettier
but i have to agree that you should practice on a bed frame or something first
i must have used at least a dozen bed frames before i even attemped anything on my truck
what kinda of welder are you useing?
stick,or wire fed?
110 or 220?
do some research on line on the art of welding (and maybe take the tail lights out before you weld anymore)
i have to agree about i wouldnt ride in that truck until its SOLID
there are plenty of guys on this site that would give you advice but its practice is what will make you a better welder
i have no idea what you are doing with that bed and im kinda scared to ask but what the hell are you trying to do
im afraid to tell you them brand new bags are worth more then the truck (as of right now)
i would advise you to stop with the welding and focus on the paint or stereo something that wont kill somebody if you try to drive the truck anywhere
heavenly_blade101   +1y

Dude, a stick welder is more for thicker steel. If you can a wire feed (mig) is much better for bodywork. If you know anyone with one of those, it would be in your best interest to try and borrow it. Or even purchase one, I got mine for 50 bucks at a yard sale, its only a 110v flux core (only wire, no gas) but it works great for body work and light duty welds. your project is looking good so far. As said before though, defenitaly get the notches re-welded. And congrats on the sunroof install. I've seen lots of factory ones leak like hell. I'm not going to lie, I'd look for another bed. your body lines don't seem to line up in the picture, and it would just save you alot of hassel to get anther bed.
scrpnmazda   +1y
I think he said in one of the posts he is using a stick welder. Id use a wire feed. I have a 110 wire feed with gas and have done pretty much everything on my truck with that. I learned on my truck. Just practice and practice man! You can only get better.
loud&low   +1y
thanx guys and it's a stick welder 110 i think and i'm not doin the final welds on it my buddy is i mis understood him he had told me to spot weld it on and he will come and make it legal but i went all out lol it's all good and yea i payed more for the bags then i did the truck lol but the engine and tranny are perfect they run great and the box i'm kinda up in the air on that not sure yet weither i want to do just regular wheels wells or if i want to rock the oldschool half covered look i had to cut em like that cause the box that came off was a long box thats a shortbox and the wheel wells didn't mach up ad i only paid 50 buck for the box anyways so it's not really to big a deal and there has been alot of hate i can't wait to hear ppl when i start the audio and thats my thing i have won comps have trophies but i know there will be hate and thanx for the positive guys
hunterw   +1y
if you like audio check out my build log