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Mazda Projects \  project no budget...check it

project no budget...check it

Mazda Projects
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neptune   +1y
you should cover the wheel wells and make the body line straight all the way back that would be sick as sh!t, and i have never seen that done.. since your bed is already hacked up lol..
speedster93b   +1y
wow... definately got a project on your hands here...
you should have your welder buddy build you a new backhalf... and use your current notches and frame to practice more welding on... then recycle it. or use it as a boat anchor.
same goes for the bed. find a good one and use the current one to practice your sheetmetal welding and then recycle it, or use it as a boat anchor for your buddy's boat.

but way to jump right in head first!
and instead of concentrating on paint AND stereo... maybe just concentrate on stereo only and practice your spraybomb techniques on the old bed after you practice welding on it more.

OR - who gives a f*ck what i say and just run it. everyone has crappy stuff on their first projects that they can laugh at later on down the line.
loud&low   +1y
lol ha ha nice geoff i effin laughed the whole time i read that sadly with the box it was the box i could find near me and it took me two and a half months to find that one and the frames not that bad the metal i'm useing is thicker then the frame rails ima just keep it goin and see where i can go with it and i will make it pass a vi
madlowmazda   +1y
I'll be the Negative Nancy- it's a say anything I want forum right? You can't expect to not get "Hated" on by posting pictures like you have.

What do I have against you? Well- you are destroying precious Mazda trucks and parts! I am so tired so seeing people hacking the crap out of a perfectly good Mazda truck part or whole truck just to make it a "cool" lowrider!

I own six B-series trucks- I consider myself a preserver of these trucks. Laugh all you want. I'll be the one laughing when you are trying to find a good truck to own and you can't find one because everyone has cut the crap out of them. Yes there are still quite a few of these trucks around, but they are disappearing- and it's happening every day.

There is no way that truck will every see the road again. That frame will snap in half faster than you can imagine.

I've seen so many people screw up these trucks and I'm tired of it. So now I'm speaking up. It's time to get serious. These are awesome trucks- the last of their breed. STOP CUTTING THEM UP!
cl (chris)   +1y
<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8) -->
Post was last edited on Nov 23, 2009 12:11. This post has been edited 1 times.
crazymikey   +1y
What's Hoc's truck worth? lol
baggd   +1y

Interesting topic. I say: good luck to you man.

Oh and here's my old &quot;blowthrough&quot; (4 12&quot; Rockford Fosgate P3's)

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hocbj23   +1y
I hurt a little everytime I see a Maz cut up, BUT this is the Bscene,we are all supposed to be Maz brothers and sisters on here so if the dude wants to cut on his truck--then have at it and all u welding experts out there should be helping with ur expertise (as some are and good for u).Mikey I dont really know what Hocsdog is worth,but some dude at a car/truck show a couple of weeks back offered me 8k for it and I turned him down.It aint for sale and if I die anytime soon NYTRDR gets it cause he appreciates old farts and old Maz trucks bettern
con$truktive   +1y
if the dude wants to learn how to do sumthing he should
go do welding course or sumting first
this truk would never pass shit in australia

we mazda/minitruck guys r here to help others but
sum people screw things up a lil to much to repair as this truk (unless saved with a rear clip)
if i was ur weldn mate i wouldnt let u touch a chassis unless
i had good weld experience on thick plate steel

a 115amp stick welder i heard ur using, shit mate
get real i wont use anything under 200amp mig with gas
welding with poor quality tools will only make poorer quality work
&amp; ur stick welding bodypanels (thats one iv never heard of before)

if u wana learn then get real about ur intensions of welding knowledge
buy a 200amp mig then get a gas account buy a bottle of &amp; sum 0.9mm mig wire
buy sum old steel then learn grinding &amp; cleaning processes of metal preparation
learn fillets welds, learn butt welds learn welding to different thicknesses of steel etc
damn weld everything except chassis

by all means play to learn but dnt learn to destroy good vechiles
iv shown this build or should i say bodge on another site &amp; dude people aint impressed
but all i can say is i hope u learn more before u do destroy sum innocent road users

im in the process of building my 1st truck &amp; would u like sum pics........................
i havent even touched my truck with my mig as i wanted my work super clean
so i have done my notches etc all being tig welded...............

actually ill post a few pics here jus to compare what learning is about
what i started with &amp; im still learning but im a qualifed welder
&amp; done loads of research before cutn into chassis's
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i dont wana dispize ur courage to learn but u have also said it took 3 1/2mths to find the
rear bed on ur truck how long will it take for u to find good parts again after
they to badly modified to use on a street rego'd vechile
as i said in an earlier post please learn on other metals rather then destroy parts
U actually need to use on ur truck

&amp; again best of luck with ur build up &amp; hope it turns out to b everything u desire dude
loud&amp;low   +1y
lol ok first of all the 86 mazda b2000 brand new only sold for 6295.00 so really if i was cutting up an escalade or a lambo i could understand but im cutting up a truck that in it's day wasn't even 10,000 dollers so seriously get over it and you can hate on it and and say it will never ever drive on the road and really it's ok cause i'm going to get the last laugh when i'm driving it next summer and if you seen it wen i first got it and the pics are there it wasn't a very nice truck so if anything i'm inproving the truck and yes i am cutting or hacking it up and i will be doin more if you would like to drop a tear for me lol it's a effin truck ok have you ever made anything hell even cookie lol i could look at your cookies in disgust and tell you they were better and safer as dough it's all in opinion i got thwe truck for 100 dollers and so far invested less then 500 into it ( hard to tell i know rofl ) so really id say i'm doin a good job and when i got it, it required a vehicle inspection so it was on the way to the wreckers so just the fact that i'm sitting here willing to invest my time to bring a hurting truck into a new glory then then i would say tthat i must be a better preserver then you this truck wasn't payed for to look stock and drive to any corparate meeting and if your tired of ppl cutting them up either leave a mazda b scene site or maybe just maybe stay out of the projects section simple really lol and everyone else that feel a need to hate on me about it post your very first project ever and the work you not someone else but you did and get over yourself it's my truck i'll fuck it up how i choose