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Mazda Projects \  project no budget...check it

project no budget...check it

Mazda Projects
views 11298
replies 111
following 29
con$truktive   +1y

im 37yrs old dude, id never say in my lifetime, "it's not all learning for me"
everyday i learn new shit but those who live by that rule die by that rule i guess
ur asking for help in ways im tryn to b nice.... at 1st i couldnt believe this was ma real build up
then i realised ur learning so as i said im jus tryn to b nice & heplful

as they say u can take a horse to water but u cant make it drink................
u gota be cruel to be kind...............................
u cant put an old head on young shoulders...........................

last thing ill ever say is ALL THE BEST WITH UR PROJECT DUDE
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
i got two words for this project.......death trap!
cl (chris)   +1y

There goes Mikey again throwing fuel on the fire
loud&low   +1y

lol stupid proper grammer, that stuff just slowes me down and thank you for the luck
loud&low   +1y

i agree i'm always learning but i mean some of the things i know but yes i am always learning and learning new way to do the old thngs i know too
mazberrydelight   +1y
im not sure if youve said or not , but where do you live that it requires a VI?
loud&low   +1y

how is it a death trap honestly, you didn't see it when i got it it didn't even have brakes. and what on it can't be fixed without scrapping and starting over?
loud&low   +1y

it's not cause of where i live it's cause it needed one when i bought it thats why i got it for 100 bucks and i live in bc damn near dead in the middle where are you at?
mazberrydelight   +1y
im on vancouver island ,
dropped90(justin)   +1y
Im not going to add any fuel to this already blazing inferno, because honestly, i am speechless with the pictures im seeing and your attitude towards the build and learning of trades. But if you are going to post can you please atleast throw some periods in on occassion? im blue in the face trying to read your entire post without taking a breath.

proceed with the torture
