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Mazda Projects \  project no budget...check it

project no budget...check it

Mazda Projects
views 11297
replies 111
following 29
slammed83mazda   +1y


arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate these type of posts. That's like someone saying, ya I don't care if I rattle can my truck I'm going to repaint it later anyways. SO WHY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?
speedster93b   +1y

yeah, because punctuation and spelling are a killer, huh?
dragginmazda86 (dave)   +1y
loud&low, first off dont think that I'm flaming you. I' learned to weld on my own by practicing on a mig years ago, I'd practice on random scraps of metal. This was before the days of the internet so I went to the library and got a welding techniques book and read it (which helped alot). Now days you can just google it. From what I can see in the pics of the notch, the metal could have been cleaned up a bit more, also for metal that thick its good to bevel the edges. Your welds have almost no penetration, yes they hold but It going to be an awful lot of extra work for your buddy thats going to finish welding them. You might think about a backhalf. I have no experince at all with a stick welder myself but it could also be the rods you are using also. As for the sheet metal you have to take it really slow doing a tack at a time so you dont warp the metal (especially mazda sheet metal the stuff is real thin). If you warp it you have a bunch of headaches once you get to doing body work. I've screwed a couple doors shaving them years back.

This is the greatest forum I've ever been on, kind and helpful people here. Honestly if you would have posted those pics on SSM or S10forum you would have been flamed up with no one trying to help you go in the right dirrection.

Also what thickness is that metal you cut for your front bag brackets? It looks way to thin from the pic. I would use at least 3/16 but I've always used 1/4 (cause thats what the pre cut ones are)
speedster93b   +1y
3/16 is fine but needs gussets. and good welds
loud&low   +1y

i know i'm not right it's bing redone it's the exact same measurments as were on a site that sold a weld on notch i never once said i was right and i have said several times that it is being redone , completly redone now i'ma take those pics off
loud&low   +1y
i know it doesn't penitrate i plan to grind my weld right off and i grinded the metal completly clean before i welded but it's a tiny welder and all the welds are being redone like i said and i'm killin those pics in a bit and i have gussets and there 1/4 inch for my bracets
loud&low   +1y
and i'm just spot welding it my buddy is doin the structural part
skrapinsask   +1y
I typed up a whole paragraph for this thread then just deleted it all for obvious reasons.
Beating a dead horse.
cl (chris)   +1y

I cant belive there are 6 pages of this crap there are full custom bad ass project on here that dont have this many posts...... Please stop posting unless you have something new to say you made your point and now its getting old. Get your friend to fix your welds and then post up some photos. Many guys on here know Mazdas trucks better then their wives and will help you if you ask. But you have got too stop defending shitty work even if it only practice. Please please stop posting!!!!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8) -->
Post was last edited on Nov 24, 2009 02:11. This post has been edited 2 times.
flameds10(tyler)   +1y
that shit is whack