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Mazda Projects \  project no budget...check it

project no budget...check it

Mazda Projects
views 11295
replies 111
following 29
neptune   +1y
dude dont leave cuz some ppl are a little too straight forward.. i probably would have worse welds than you lol but i cant even afford a welder let alone another head gasket set to even get my truck running again.. just get your truck(and them welds) lookin a little better and post more pics.. eventually when you get your welds re-done and looking good they will have to come around and say good job glad you got it done right. plus dont worry about the bed right now just take it off and wait for a new one thats what i would do lol
blackhulk   +1y
how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck........
blackhulk   +1y
if loud and low went to jared's then none of this would of
dragginmazda86 (dave)   +1y
loud&low; I gave you a few welding tips so you can get some practice, its not something you can perfect over night. As for the money issue I only have a few thousand into the truck pictured below, but I also been working on it for a number of years. I also have some good friends that would come over and give me a hand and I would do the same for them to keep the budget down on our trucks.I lost my place to work on it so now it sits in a mini storage collecting dust. Just take your time and dont rush and you'll come out with something to be proud of. You can get ahead big time by wheeling and dealing and bartering (trust me on this one). Good luck on your build.
droppedmydawg   +1y
I am not trying to say what has been said. I read page 1 through 7 and am taking what others have said and putting into a reasonable non-flaming statement. None of us on here have $10k for classes. I own a welder, but had to save for several years to buy it. I think you said you have around $500 into this build and that you paid $100 for the truck. I am a firm believer you did the right thing with the first $100. A long bed B truck is a sweet canvas. What if you would have saved the other $400 though? That is almost 1/3 of the price of a nice mig. I don't think this truck is a lost cause and don't want to see you quit. I would like to see you pull the bed off and cover the truck for the winter. Save for a welder and when you get it cut and weld on that bed until you can cleanly throw down some GOOD welds. In the mean time that will give you a chance to find a good long box and have your buddy come redo the notches. I think you are stoked to get a truck and have some nice ideas in your head, but are rushing to get them done. If you look at my build you will not see a show truck or even a finished product. What you will see is a truck that has been a worked on for about a year and has very little money into it. I got my truck for free and put a lot of time into just cleaning up the details. I think you have a solid platform to start from if you would just slow down and do what you can do to it. Don't run away crying from this site because there are a ton of good people here that will help you if and when they can. Just step back for a bit and regroup. Hope this is encouraging and helpful as I don't want to see you discouraged anymore. -Ed
cl (chris)   +1y
Well said Ed I have been working on my truck since 1992 trust me it takes a long time to learn and build you dream truck and I still dont have my roadster the way I want it.
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blackhulk   +1y
if u lived closer i would weld ur truck up for u...but i live onthe island truck when i bought it ..well it was nasty as fuck..i bought it air bagged and notched...i hit the front mounts with a hammer and broke off so easy my daughter could of welded matter how bad it is weldin is so-forgiven...
con$truktive   +1y

well said, thats all so true
jus take a step back & take a big breathe & save for that welder to build ur dream truck
but practice loads of welding on scrap & old unusable truck parts
as last said by me goodluck & better learning ahead as we all wana see u pull out a nice longbed mazda
porkchop69   +1y

what mini storage??????????? i am a manager at public storage and i would let you work on it if it was at my property
hell i work on mine in a 10x30 i wish i had a plug for 220 and i would be in heaven
hocbj23   +1y
the best motorcycle mechanic in Chatt town works out of 2 ministorage units that the owner allowed him to KO the wall and have it wired for 220 for his welder.sometimes ya just gotta