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Mazda Projects \  My project - new pics pg 10 7/22/15!

My project - new pics pg 10 7/22/15!

Mazda Projects
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dropped90(justin)   +1y
i would say very busy.

elbine69   +1y
Worked on it a bit today finishing up some little stuff like finishing brackets off the upper control arms and welding them up. Started working on the 4 link cross member, should have my drive shaft hoop tomorrow to finish it up. According to UPS my 4 link will be here tomorrow and Ill have my tubing for the body mounts by the weekend. Everything is looking good so far to be done on time. Pics tomorrow.
elbine69   +1y
Pie cut upper a-arms welded and smoothed out a bit. Don't mind the rust, I need to finish cleaning them up.
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4 link cross member almost done, Just need to cut out the middle and weld in the drive shaft notch.
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UPS man delivered the 4 link today. I knew the bars were big, but there huge!
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Maybe more pics later tonight, I'm headed back outside now
elbine69   +1y
Drive shaft hoop didn't get bent today, so I couldnt get that finished up and start welding the links up. Set up the link bars though to see how it was going to look
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frocashmoney24   +1y
well, the crossmember is done, and everythings looking good! really have to see it in real life to appreciate it. The 4 link will hopefully be done tommoro. so maybe he can get it to his final afterall. its only 7 days away!
elbine69   +1y
Heres a pic of the crossmember. Turned out pretty good I think.
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elbine69   +1y
Fro was able to cut the bag brackets today, so I got the upper brackets welded in. Need to cut some gussets and cut out a lower bag plate and the front will be done tomorrow. More pics tomorrow, the camera was acting weird tonight.
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elbine69   +1y
Got the front done today, just needs the gussets on top of the bag mounts which will get done tomorrow. Fro came down today and helped me get the 4 link in and tacked into place. Going to get it fully welded tomorrow as well and get the rear bag mounts in. Might try and get the body mounts started too. Thoughts, Comments, Suggestions anyone?
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immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Thoughts: Is the drive shaft loop getting any additional support / bracing? Just wondering if it is strong enough to fully support the upper 4-link bars as is....

Comments: Progress to date is definitely better than anything I have personally done. Frame stand is killer - wish I had one and the time / patience to build a complete frame.

Suggestions: Keep us posted on your progress!!!!
elbine69   +1y
Thanks linn. Everything is coming out pretty ok so far I think. The driveshaft loop will be getting gussets and tube work to tie it into the frame and bag mounts, as soon as I can get a tube bender. The frame table has worked out well and , only thing I would do different is make it taller next time. My back hurts right now from bending over while working on things all day today.