Besides mine (when it's done and looks like my sig), I love that one with the Mercury Mountaineer frontend. I also like the red one that is bodydropped and has no roof.
SSM Profile
Also like this guys (I saw it at one of the Sonic Drag-Thrus):
SSM Profile
I know none of these are perfect and they have some issues (i.e. the red one needs a better way of sealing the places where the roof was cut off); but I like the styles of them. I just can't wait until mine is where it should be...
I don't have any pics, but possibly my overall fave is the red/white (silver?) two tone, with a tilt bed, full Mustang interior, and a 5.0. I really think it was excuted well, at least from the pics I've seen, and looks really good.
yeah i saw that one on a trailer at a gas station up from the show and all the guys in the car club i am in was asking me when i was going to get my truck to look like that...LOL