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Mazda 2.2L \  Cooling issue

Cooling issue

Mazda 2.2L Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 6676
replies 58
following 8
Cusser   +1y

Yep, that's what I did with all my stock emissions-related wires.
mazdatweaker_2   +1y
I think the plug in the bottom tank of the radiator is to supply the ground complete signal for the emission control system, telling the computer to attempt feed back control of the carb. So if you disconnect that you may be bypassing electronic control of the carb without meaning to.
imrjbitch   +1y
What does that mean exactly? Is it bad?
imrjbitch   +1y
Well it run bad if I don't have it in the radiator? Cuz I tried fitting it and there's space between the head and the radiator. A lot more than a gasket will cover
Cusser   +1y
You don't need that sender. You need the radiator not to leak.
imrjbitch   +1y
Ohh. Ok.
imrjbitch   +1y

I got the new radiator in, bled all the air out, and topped it off. Ran hot after about 45 of the thermostat being open. But I ran the heater on high for 30 mins again radiator cap on and it cooled down to the temp it was when I was bleeding. Hasn't gone up since. Gonna take it to work tomorrow and see how it runs and will get back if any issues still occur

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imrjbitch   +1y
But I did notice however, it ran hot after the thermostat opened (like my previous radiator). But it didn't get hot after I ran the heater.

But before you ask if I bled properly, I filled the radiator to where I can see the level but not to the point where it'll flow out if something where to happen. Left the cap off. Saw the thermostat open (flow and the temp gauge went down) and let it run with the heater on full blast for 30 mins or so. Jus went inside to grab a snack (little meal) and came out, no more steam coming out so I capped it and let it run for a while longer and that's when it started running hot. Then my previous post explains what happened after.

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vsawmike   +1y
When an engine starts to heat up (with the cap off) it sometimes pushes coolant out before the thermostat opens. It could have pushed some out and sucked in air while you were getting a tasty snack. Try opening it up again and adding some then waiting for the thermostat to open.

When it comes down to it the radiator probably was stopped up whether it was causing the problem or not. So you have eliminated one of the issues for sure.
imrjbitch   +1y
It doesn't get above 1/4 anymore so I'm happy.

But I've developed a leak at the thermostat. So I'm gonna have to take a look at that. It looks like it's coming from the bottom bolt.

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