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Mazda Projects \  Im back! 91 EF CIVIC SEDAN

Im back! 91 EF CIVIC SEDAN

Mazda Projects
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dropped90(justin)   +1y
i just got a sudden craving for japenese food for some weird reason.

slammedyota91   +1y
Haha Justin... Yooooouuuuu lol. Well I learned how to properly and professionally tint windows, And I re tinted mine, Just went 20% its a comfortable dark. I also Am learning how to properly do body and paint by a guy who does show cars. We just got done doing the body work on my trunk, Roof, and hood. I primed them Wednesday, and Wet sanded today. Its perfect, Gonna shoot those parts tomorrow, Then start on mhy bumpers and fenders. Then driver side front and back door the passenger. Soon it'll be done and look flawless. Its a Bright White Base (chroma base materials) With a white pearl clear coat Prolly like 4 coats of clear Goona be sweeeeeeeet!
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87bbucket   +1y
starting to look good man. i miss my 4 door. Its all good. are you gonna swap the civic.
slammedyota91   +1y
Ya, When cash flow is in effect lol. The tint, paint and everything is all free Im just trading work for the paint and body, And the tint is from great friends of mine who are teaching me to tint for their company. All Free Buddy of mine thats doing the interior is doing it free too for advertising
87bbucket   +1y
sounds good. frees always the best.
mazdadropped   +1y
Looks great any updates ?
slammedyota91   +1y
Well, Im almost done with all my body work, I have 3 more doors to do, Hopefully I can get a door done a day lol yes there are that many dents, I never realized how long body work took not the work itself just the waiting for shit to dry and what not.. anyway onto to some pics, Im hoping to have all the body done so I can paint it mid next week, Yes Im doing under the hood, trunk and core support and all my jams Gonna be sweeet mmmmmm white with white pearl.
Lol, My first time using a stud gun held it too long ended up making a hole in my rocker haha
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I fixed it though
Post was last edited on Apr 01, 2010 05:04. This post has been edited 1 times.
mazdadropped   +1y
nice get those pictures up
slammedyota91   +1y
While I wait for this filler to dry on my driver door, Ill post the rest of my pics of the progress so far
Fixed that hole in my rocker and got it all filled and primed
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slammedyota91   +1y
Both Fenders are all done the driver one was a pain, They're expensive to replace so I would rather repair it free, The dent was on the body line and there was a kink I had to hammer in, Also had to form the body line myself..
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