Thanks everyone for the replies Its good you love pics cuz I usually always take tons lol. More than necessary, But Im the same way and when Im lookin through a thread it makes me want to read more when there are a lot of pics. Today I guide coated and blocked both those doors again, And found that the middle body line washed out for a few inches where I filled it in, So I sanded it a lil and layed down a piece of tape below the body line, Added filler sanded it straight guide coated, sanded added filler, guide coated sanded, and vualla its a perfect body line peeled the tape and now gotta re prime that spot Tomorrow Im going to start on the front passenger door, and HOPEFULLY finish the filler work on that door tomorrow too. Lol This time I have learned my lesson, DUMP the filler on and block it away, Lol, No more lil filler here lil filler there a million times lol. Might jam my car tomorrow too, Depends on this boat we just painted today, wether or not the owner still wants the graphics over the beautiful lamborghini orange.

Whatcha think? Theres yellow with yellow pearl in the masked sections, And on the bottom theres lambo orange graphics, Same with the bow. A lil sapphire blue in there too, Ill post finished pics thursday or friday when its all done