H-m-m-m.So with truck timed at 6% BTDC ,warm,and "idling" at 1500-2000 rpm,when u back the idle adjust screw out the idle doesnt fall off?Few other suggestions then.Be sure u have some slack in ur throttle cable so that the arm that the cable attaches to on the carb goes fully back to the stop when u take ur foot off the gas.If the cable binds,it will pull the throttle partially open and cause fast idle.Next, with the truck running and warm,take the wing nut and cover off the air box and peek inside the carb and be sure the choke butterfly is not hung partially open.If so,spray some carb cleaner on it and loosen it up.Finally,spray some cleaner,wd-40 or other aerosol around the carb base and vacuum lines to be sure u dont have a vacuum leak somwhere.Let us know what happens.BJ