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Mazda Engine General \  8 valve to 12 valve compatability ::help::

8 valve to 12 valve compatability ::help::

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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daneisthegreatest   +1y
so i bought my 87 bodydrop with a blown motor...I found a motor out of a 91 (i believe) EFI that is the 12 valve motor...I got the motor home last night and started working on it and ran into a couple of problems...

The motor mounts are different, on the blown motor they are at an angle facing down...on the new motor they are straight out...I tried to switch my motor mounts to the new motor and the holes that they mount to do not line up...

am i just wasting my time with this 12 valve motor or am i looking too deeply into it...i know i am going to have to switch my intake from FI to CARB and all that good stuff...but i am thinking i should just take that motor back and find me a 12 valve out of an 87 and just stick with that...

what do you guys think...i mean i would love to do a 5.0 swap but i think it would be way too much work for me. i think i just need to stick with the stock 8 valve motor out of an 87.

what is the difference between the 2200 and the 2000 motor...maybe its a 2000 motor i have in there right now...i have no idea, i just know i am about at my witts end
elbine69   +1y
Is that motor you got out of a b2600i? Im pretty sure that all the 2.2 and 2.0 had 8 valves.
madmazda   +1y
Correct elbine, 2.2 and 2.0 were all 8 valves.

All Carbed engines were Mitsubishi produced, and All EFI engines were Mazda produced, Both in 2.2 and 2.6

The motor he has is from a B2600/B2600i, SOHC, 12 valve, Mazda motor.

I'd personally Leave it EFI and get the wiring harness and ECU from where ever you got the Motor.
madmazda   +1y
Is your 87 a B2200? or B2000??

B2200 = 2.2L
B2000 = 2.0L

If you didn't know.
daneisthegreatest   +1y
i am probably just gonna take this motor back...i found a true 8 valve 2.2 for $850 shipped...The salvage yard i got this motor from didnt know what they were selling me...

the truck is a b2200 but i think the motor that was in it was the second motor in the truck because there were some things missing off of it, like transmission bolts and stuff i found in the bed and one of the motor mounts was missing a couple of bolts...

so if the b2200 motors were mitsubishi does does that mean that i could look for a mitsubishi 2.2L motor and it would bolt right up and everything with no problems...I just want a simple plug and play, i just want my bodydrop running.
madmazda   +1y
If your trucks a B2200, And It orginally came with a carburated 2.2L, Its a Mitsubushi motor, (it'll say on the driveside of the block, "2.2" if im correct) now i don't think you said whether or not this blown motor was Carbed or EFI, but by the sounds of it, your speaking of taking the EFI stuff off this new 2.6L engine, and converting it to carburated. So i assume it was orginally carburated, and with that being said, Yes, You need a Mazda B2200 Carburated motor. (which is Mistubushi) Which came in 1987-1991 - 2.2L's, F2, Now The F2 is a stroked version of the FE, which is a B2000 motor, and it came in 1985-1986 - 2.0L...

If your taking this motor back, i'd just go with the orginal 2.2L motor.
gavin_mosher   +1y
dude u said that carb'd motors only went till 91'? i have a 92 with a carb.... not bein rude just wondering
mazdamn   +1y
They came carb'd all the way to '93. I worked on a friend's that was a carb'd '93. LX model too.

Anyways....the mitusbishi engines aren't the same as the ones in the mazda. Infact, the only ones that i know are the same are found in the 2600s that are carb'd. Those are an exact match to the might max engines, well the 2.6s anyway. However, for less headaches, just snag a carb'd 2.2 and leave it at that. Its a nightmare unless you are gonna do a full swap, and for that, I wouldnt even consider a stock EFI engine. (FE3 maybe)
daneisthegreatest   +1y
you guys have put a lot of things in perspective, now i know the exact motor i need to look for and everything...i am taking the motor back today and should be placing an order for the 2.2 in the coming week if not sooner. thanks everyone for the help...i will keep everyone posted on my progress
madlowmazda   +1y


The 2.2 F2 IS NOT a mitsubishi engine- it's the mazda F-block- hence F2.

The only mitsubishi engine that's in a mazda truck is a b2600 from 86-87 and it's carbed, or a b2600i from 88-93 and it's fuel injected.

B2000's where made in 86-87. If your truck is and 86 or 87 and it's not a b2600, it's a b2000, there is no such thing as an 86 or 87 b2200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!