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Mazda Engine General \  random flooding. need answers.

random flooding. need answers.

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 743
replies 11
following 6
bee.em.doubleyou   +1y
i swapped in a set of adjustable rockers yesterday, as well as some new valve stem seals got it all back together and it was still smokin' real bad. and i noticed it smelled terribly of gasoline. so i looked into it, and only ocassionally but the carb floods out real bad but once you start driving it stops. really odd.
bee.em.doubleyou   +1y
i'm definitely noticing that its particularly flooding right after startup, upon deceleration, while coasting in neutal, and whenever the clutch is depressed. but as long as i'm driving smoothly down the road in any gear for any length of time it doesn't at all.
paparoach1983   +1y
You have a regulator or anything that could be messed up.
bee.em.doubleyou   +1y
i don''t believe so. i've been trying to track the problem down alllll day. and can't seem to figure it out.
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
stock or weber carb?
68sweet-n-low   +1y
well man i had the same thing happen to my bug and every time i shut the engine off it would flood it bad i could never figure it out i re bilt the carb like twice and still nothing. could be your gettin to much fuel preasure, and it causein to over flow the bowl and dump in the carb. idk just a guess
bee.em.doubleyou   +1y
it's a stock, can't afford a weber. unfortuantely. i think there is sucha thing as a fuel pressure regulator right? goodness i'm not sure. it's sooooo odd though and aggravating!
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
yes there is a suck a thing as a fuel regulator...
bee.em.doubleyou   +1y
i actually believe my o2 sensor shorted out, and is no longer working. causing it to just keep sending fuel when unnecessary.

sound accurate?
bee.em.doubleyou   +1y
does that sound like it could be the problem? or should i look deeper?