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Mazda Engine General \  ECU ????

ECU ????

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 34
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chafin   +1y
so today my ecu came back and was pretty excited. so i went down to the mother-in-laws to throw it in and finally hear running. so after putting it in i doubled checked some things under the hood and went to fire it up. well apparently the coil took a shit on me and as i was making sure that that was the problem the starter went out on me. arrrrrggggghhhhhh if its not one thing with this truck its another. little does it know, its going to run rather it likes it or not. so the only good news is the computer fixed the injector problem. its soaking the plugs now =) ill have more news tomorrow after i work on it some more
paparoach1983   +1y
dang man it seems like you cant get a break but hey you have fixed one of the major issues.
nc4life   +1y
Just forget about it and buy my Miata motor and trany. You know you want it.....HAHAHA
chafin   +1y
you know that is very tempting
nc4life   +1y
I'll make you a good deal and even help you pull it out........... : )
chafin   +1y
IT RUNS!!!!!!!!!!!! haha well today i pimp slapped the starter and told it to get its act right double checked everything and gave it some gas. a little bit of acting up and i got it to run. the biggest thing is that i can run it for awhile shut it off and crank it up and it runs. its a big step from what i started with. the only problem i have now is that its running really rich and it doesn't like me to adjust the timing by moving the distributor. as soon as i move it a little bit it will shut off. so there is still some work to do, but i have gotten over the hill with the major problem. thank you to everyone lending me advice and helping me out i really do appreciate it.

chuck your killing me, casue you know that miata motor is my weak point right now lol!!!
vrtclychlngdb22   +1y
glad to hear you got it running
chafin   +1y
thanks bro, so what all plans do you have for your dog. im really liking the camper shell, bringing back the old school feel
vrtclychlngdb22   +1y
im actually gettin rid of the walk thru set up. It was like that when i bought it. i think im gonna ride static for awhile. might bag it later on. other than that nothin real crazy just some body work and a paint job. i like em simple and clean.
nc4life   +1y

Not to hi jack the thread but are you getting rid of the camper shell and if so where do you live and how much?