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Mazda Engine General \  Please help-misses, heater, and tranny...

Please help-misses, heater, and tranny...

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 985
replies 12
following 4
slammedglass   +1y
Ok, so the headgasket blew on my 93' B2600i auto 2wd. I changed it and now it has a pretty bad miss while idling. It had one before, but now its worse. Also the tranny shifted fine before, but now it seems like it has to be reved real high before it shifts, and rarely shifts into OD. Also, My heat doesnt work anymore. It used to work GREAT. Someone, PLEASE HELP!

It has all new gaskets fom the head up, new plugs, wires, cap, rotor, & t-stat.
chitobeach   +1y
You have several things gong on here. You have air trapped in the cooling system you need to burp the air out of it then the heater should work

as for the miss make sure you have the spark plug wires in the correct order and the timing correct. maybe a vacuum leak have you put a scanner on it?
slammedglass   +1y
How do I burp the cooling system? Just open the radiator cap and squeeze the upper radiator hose until no more air comes out?

I do have the wires in the correct spot, and the timing marks on the head and cam gear are dead on. The distributor is my only question. I got it as close as I can, but I'm still wondering if its not quite right. And no, It has not been on a scanner, my friend has the Snap On scanner, but doesnt have the correct connections for my old Mazda.
chitobeach   +1y

You need to make sure that coolant gets into all the hoses and the heater core. many guys place a Prestone flush T in the upper Heater hose and use it to top off the system. I just park on a steep incline so the radiator cap is higher than the rest of the system. Fill the radiator until it starts to bubble out cap it wait for the Tstat to open turn off the truck and top off the radiator again, start her up and turn on the heater controls and top off again, usually works

The rest has me beat sorry
slammedglass   +1y
Anyone else have any ideas? This tranny thing is freakin me out.
slammedglass   +1y
maztang (ryan)   +1y
Ok boss, you replaced the head gasket, did you have the head checked for cracks or warpage? Also, did you clean or replace the plugs. When you blow a gasket sometimes you will get fluid into the cylinders and foul out the plugs. You may just need to do a tune up? Could have just had a bunch of bad stuff hit you at once. To "burp" the radiator, park the truck on a slight incline and remove the radiator cap while it is cold. crank up the truck and let it get up to temp. You will see the coolant flowing, if there is air in the system you should see the fluid reducing and you will need to add fluid. This should solve the heater problem, unless you have a clogged line which then your engine will over heat. And then you will get more problems. As far as the tranny, all I can say is check your tranny fluid. Go drive it around the block and then check it. You don't want to drive it for a few hrs then check it, fluids expand when they get hot, you just want it warm.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
Sorry, just saw your last sentence. So you gave it a tune up, you could just be off a tooth on the dizzy. It will still run just real shitty. You gotta find that sweet spot and then advance or retard it to get it where you need it. Are you using a timing light, if not then that is your main problem. Also, check your vaccum lines for leaks.
slammedglass   +1y
OK, so I burped the cooling system, still no heat. I bought one of those system flush kits from walmart figured I'd try that tomorrow and then re fill the system again. As far at the tranny, Idk what the deal is with it. I checked the fluid, no problems there. I it doesnt smell burnt or anything. HOWEVER, When I got back from burping the cooling system, I went in my friends house, came out to a HUGE puddle of tranny fluid all over. Its dark, so I cant see where its coming from yet........update in the morning! goodnight!
hocbj23   +1y
Slow down and think.1.did u get correct head gasket and install correctly? 2.Thermo--the Maz thermo has a small hole in the face of it that needs to be oriented to the 12 oclock position.The purpose of that little hole is to PREVENT air pockets in the cooling system. Did u orient air bleed hole to 12 oclock?If u didnt, all the "burping" in the world wont help u. Was thermo the right heat range-should have been 2 stage 160/180 thermo.????If not proper heat range u wont have enough hot water to run the heater.3.ur A/T shifts from 1-3 by Vacuum and into OD electrically.If it is revving way up before it shifts it is not pulling enough vacuum at the proper rpm range to shift correctly. Check the vacuum hose that goes to the AT for leaks--if it got fluid in it from head gasket leak it may be stopped up.I would be willing to bet that there are leaking hoses that go into ur radiator from ur at thus the at fluid leak..The at fluid goes into the bottom of the radiator shell for cooling/heating purposes so check those hoses and connections as well.The vacuum line from the engine to the at hooks onto a small circular valve screwed into the side of the at.its called a vacuum modulator valve and it assists the at to shift properly.make sure that valve and connection isnt leaking.keep us