Idk if there is technical name for it, but it mounts the heim joint horizontal so it pivots on the ball of heim joint itself instead of just rotating on the bolt.
if i remember correctly this is actually how a heim should be mounted. I think i read in one of seths(twiztedminis) posts or write ups about this. ill try and find it.
oh btw truck is coming back nicely. nice work buddy
Got pretty much the rest of the parts from the waterjet today, a few hours of welding and things should be getting painted and starting to go back together.
Hopefully gonna get the rest of the parts put on sunday, I need my garage back and i'm sick of cutting parts for your truck instead of mine! haha, You guys all wait till you see the tank/compressor setup! Front ends almost finished as well.
Air tanks mounted, upper link is fully mounted, I think all thats left is the compressors and gas tank. If it it rains tomorrow that will get finished, if not im going riding all day.