So I gave away literally two 16ft trailer loads of Mazda B series parts. Determined to not do anymore minitrucks.
Well in late 1998 I decided I had not fully kicked my B series or minitruck habits. I started designing my next project. I knew I wanted to build the entire truck. I don't mean buy a truck and tear it down and rebuild everything. I mean start with nothing but frame tube and build the frame first then build the rest by hand.
Well I bought some 2"x4"x3/16" rectangle tube determined to build the frame for the new ride. As you can see it was not built like a traditional frame. I went Nascar style with the center much wider then narrowing at the back.
This was because the idea was to make the floor bolt down to the frame, then have the body bolt down to the frame. Then I could take the body off and drive the truck with the body off.
The frame was going to be the air tank because I had no room for a big ugly tank.
I used the factory front clip to get the Mazda suspension geometry. I planned to build new arms for it as well.
Then came the building of the body. I started by building a skeleton out of 1" square tube. I used a stock bed for mockup of the width and where the body lines go. Then I cut door skins off of doors and bed sides off of beds and the windshield frame off the cab. From this blue cab the only thing I used was the windshield frame.
I then added aluminum in the floor and started building the console and seating. I had 4 bucket seats from a Chevy van. They came factory with short backs and no head rests. This was so they would not stick up past the body. This body was doored by the way.
I really wish I had more pics but my bitch ass ex wife took all my pics and destroyed them.
So I had this thing as a rolling chassis with the body on it and I decided to take it to Dustoff in 2000 or 2001. Can't remember exactly.
This is what I rolled out.
The trunk was made from a Mazda 929 hood skin fitted over another square tube skeleton.
Next step was to get the bodywork roughed in and I just couldn't resist taking it to shows unfinished.
I sent Lance Martz (editor of Minitrickin' magazine) some pics as I had it to about this stage and he flipped out. He put one of these pics on his desktop of his PC and his boss saw it and said to get it on the cover of an Under Construction special issue.
He saw me with it at Showfest in May of 2002 and said we had a date of July 5th at a studio in Costa Mesa for the cover shoot. He said to have it it cover ready in primer by then or the cover would go to another truck. That truck was the Nissan Pathfinder used in the next year's Under Construction issue. They did them one a year back then.
We got the truck to Costa Mesa after driving straight through.
This model by the way, you have seen. Not before this but after. She is Candice Michelle. From Go Daddy and WWE.
I took it to heatwave 2002, then took it back to the shop to get it running.
Got it running, and took it to Showfest 2003. Unloaded it and drove it the whole weekend.
Not many pics remain and I really wish I had more. I planned to finish it but lost it. I owed my landlord money when I closed my shop and he crushed the body. I had it taken apart redoing everything to bring it out done. Lost it, the parts, the body, the frame, all of it. I have one copy of the magazine in good condition. My biggest vehicle regret is not finishing it. This is why I am building my next Mazda.