lol,ya ive heard of wat u guys are talking bout,not being able to weld ti,but sum how this guy did it,he put steel on one side and ti on the other,in this pic u can kinda c the ti,i was running out so u can c more steel than ti but its there,
LOL I agree with Seth too cause none of us have the water fusion high dohickey.......but I just thought I would bring up about a guy that could do
as for the original question, ebay. and agreed on the welding. i bought a big block a while back and had it sliced into 8 drag blocks, but the machine shop who sliced it(for free) said they wouldnt fuck with it anymore cause it was hurting their machine lol. if i ever get off my lazy ass, i'll tap em.
Dude, he did not weld titanium to your frame, straight up. It cant be done. Take a picture of the block you're talking about. Its probably a chunk of steel. It could even be billet steel, or AR steel which will throw a brighter more white spark than mild steel. But its not titanium, period. Unless its brazed, which would mean that there is a yellow strip that looks like hot glue.