dam i need to catch up riding these post faster. but between work, yard, truck, who the has time. btw, Rod, 1 more week and i'll be able to see your back yard( YIKES)
had gotten up to part where someone said Rodney needed to grow up on this thread. he gets his house TP'ed @ least once a year. only time i ask him to stay out of my yard. and i have cleared enuff of the bushes in my yard, i can see his((SCARY).
so chuck, are u a neighbor of Rodney's. cause don't guess i have the pleasure of meeting you. i know about the t-ping. i come to rodneys sometimes don't know if thats a good thing or not.
damn man.. it was me asking for the bd pix.. thanks... u play bass, or guitar? i play the guitar.. for 14 years now
dude im all happy i got my truck bagged this weekend.. and u go and do this.. lol
now i gotta do this