It's all good. The rockers? the pinch has met the earth.
Where I started...
Interior stripped...
Frame horns where they will be Z'd...
Stock cab mounts cut and ready to be cleaned/rewelded...
The pinch is down...
Plates welded to the frame where mounts will go. Did this mainly to fill the gap between the frame and mounts after cutting...
Cab mounts getting re-mounted...
Frame horn Z...
Clutch that needs to be raised before and after...
Relocated fuse box...
Made a new battery mount and re-did all battery wiring from starter including new ground...
First test on the ground...
New rear bed mounts...
What a garage should look like...just wish it was bigger...
First test with bed bd'd too...
This was not planned, just sorta came about...
Keeping the stock bench too...just gonna change it up a bit...
Firewall tubbed...
And voila!!
And now I rest....for a bit.