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Mini Truckin General \  RIP Matt (LiFeStYlE 4 LiFe)

RIP Matt (LiFeStYlE 4 LiFe)

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 396
following 221
DenaturedAlcohol   +1y
Damn, I talk to this dude a few weeks ago or so... It is never good when people in the community fall. No words really will make it easy, keep your heads up.
laydout01   +1y
just got back from froggers. my thoughts and prayers to all family and friends again. drag hard for us up there bro. RIP
gooched   +1y
matt was a very down to earth guy i had the pleasure of meeting him at blood drag he will be missed greatly by all of us and my thoughts a nd prares go out with all my heart to everyone in his club,his friends,and his family ..... drag it up bro no more tickets up there and god bless
myslamed94s10   +1y
matt was loved by everyone that he came in contact with i could allways bring a smile to everyone face he was always the l\fe of the party in toguht and shoed my most of the lifesyles that we all call minitruckin he will be missed by all much love go ot to you matt keep the draging going for us in heaven see you soon bro much love jeremy
lifestyles 4 life
S10sDimeAdozen   +1y
First off i just want to say thanks to everyone who has taken time out to post it up for Matt and show there love. I've known Matt for about eight years ever since i got my license and my first mini. We were in the same truck club "Unlimited Conceptz" Then after returning from out of state for a couple of years, I started to hang out with Matt and Lifestylez shortly there after I started to get what me and our club call the "Matt attack" needless to say I was sporting a logo weeks later. I just want to say that Matt you were a great friend, you were like a brother to me, you made me feel like i was more then a club member but more like a family member. I think of all the great times we had, and i cant stand the thought of you not being around anymore. You are missed already and always will be, and your forever in our hearts. You were never just a club member, you were Lifestylez. Goodbye to our Fearless Leader. R.I.P
Lifestylez for life.
LayinOnAir   +1y
I don't know what to do still, it's been a little over a day now since he has been pronounced, and I still have the same feeling I had as they walked out the hospital and told us the news, I have lost my best friend once before, and yet again my next best is takin right before my eyes. When Goober walked up tonight and said how it took him 30 minutes to write his post here, I can agree and say I know the feeling, I can talk all day about how great of a friend Matt was to me, from the first time we met, to the last day. He was one of the most genuine and civil guys I know, a bird could shit all over his head and he would reply "Well besides are you? how's your truck?" It hurts knowing that one of the people who used to care so much about your day and even if it was the shittiest one ever, you could always rely on him asking about it, now you will be talking to yourself. It's hard going to the place where you all hang out, day in and day out, and it feels like your on Punk'd, but then there's no Ashton, Matt doesn't just pop out and say "got ya". This is the second time i've had to write about something like this, something about a person who would in the pouring rain,sleet,snow whatever would be there in a instant to help. Someone who has once asked me "My friend is in trouble can you pick him up the cops are trying to give him a DUI if he doesn't get a driver". Someone who would never forget your birthday even if he had the worst week ever, would want to have a drink with you. The someone that I have shared rooms with at car shows, stayed up countless hours grinding and welding on my truck, blood, sweat, and tears into one of the strongest friendships ever. The someone who would be with me on Sunday at warped tour, moshing with us, kickin asses and takin names, and he won't be there to help. The person who i've broke up fights with, cried with when there was girlfriend problems, sat up for 3 days straight during the hurricanes. All of this runs through my head, so much that I can't think about much else, I have a very big empty place in me, and I know he if up in heaven right now, grinning down on us as he welds his truck back together. I will never forget the last thing he said 30 minutes before he passed, "We are all meeting up tonight whether you like it or not, you need to be there" Unfortunately he didn't make it there and i'm greatly saddend by this. He will be missed and his memory will live on...forever.

I love you bro, you were one of the best parts of my day. Keep your head high, and paint a brighter sky for all of us, so we know exactly how precious life is...

Matthew John Klausing - R.I.P...LOVE YOU.
sectioned88   +1y
Damn Jittaman... damn near got me in tears bro....
granth   +1y
same here man! i dont know what its like to lose someone that close, but i have lost someone who i love dearly and it SUCKS. you just gotta realize where he is, and who hes draggin with......who said God wasnt a minitrucker??? has a memorial drag thru been a thought which ran through your head? i know yall are lettin us know the info so short after the tragedy, but something should be done to show the love you guys down in orlando have for him!
Layd Dly   +1y
I just got home from the site he passed at with all of his closest freinds, and even now it doesnt get any easier, its hard knowing you talked to him a day ago, just heard his jokes, his comments, drank your last beer with him, and saw his shit-eaten grin. Its great to know he touched so many people in such a positive way. He was the life of the party, no he was the party.
Matt i hope you just keep on doing what you love the most. RIP we all love and miss you.

As tony said earlier there will definately be some sort of memorial drag-thru this month for sure. No details yet.

And Some Stickers should be cut tomorrow.
Bttm Drggr18   +1y
just got home again from the site, and i personally want to thank everyone for posting , and to let everyone know that all is not forgotten he is in a better place watching over us, and doing what he does best. Its hard for me to go to the site even though ive been there twice today cause all i see still is his truck and him just hanging out his window that image is permanetly burned in me, for me im am lost cause there has not been a day that has passed that me and him havent been together, every night we did something, now what am i todo? i must go on but in time, work wont be the same and everthing else we did wont be the same, matt was always there for whoever needed him nomatter what, i will never forget him and i will kep what he has built goin to the best of my abilities, 4 LIFE "WE RIDE TOGETHER, WE DIE TOGETHER" im out.

R.I.P MJK Love ya and will never forget ya, our paths will cross again my friend but until then i will drag on for u.