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Mini Truckin General \  RIP Matt (LiFeStYlE 4 LiFe)

RIP Matt (LiFeStYlE 4 LiFe)

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 396
following 221
Dj Rich E Rich   +1y
I couldnt see this thread fall off yet, I know I have to let go, but not yet.
Juicy   +1y
WHY? No Matter how much I ponder this, I cant understand it..Maybe Im just being selfish..They say everything happens for a reason..Im sure god has plans for him as one of his angels....but why did he have to take him from us so soon?...I just cant get over this.....
Jim and I went out last night and laid out my blazer for close to 5 minutes straight for him.....he was seeing 40 foot trails easy from heaven....I Love You Matt!
1LOW03   +1y
leakingasndragginass   +1y
I wish I could have made it out to Froggers last night.

Tony please let me know when you get the decals. I would like a couple and I know Callie would also.
Goober   +1y
yeah last night was a good time.. even though i was only there for a little while it touched me deeply to see al his freinds out tring to have a good time and remembering our good friend....
Waldog25   +1y

If you sent the artwork for the decal, I did not get it yet. If you have not sent it, you can send it to

TOXiN   +1y
just got back from froggers hurts so bad.. as you could tell last night with me.. i think that ill just keep it at.. that matt.. i loved your bro.. i keep my memorys to myself.. cause when i do talk about it.. it angers me that i wont beable to experance them again.. and dude everytime i hear vinilla ice.. ugh..
DontWatchMeWatchTV   +1y
People can come into our lives and make a dent in our heart forever.
Whether it be love,lust,or you have an incredible friedship together.
But as quickly as they come in, they can be gone in an instant.
Either you are close to that person or you know them by distance.
Always make sure you take into reality what life is really about.
Let the people who you care about know it, don't just whisper, shout.
Tears can always be a sign of happiness or a sign of sadness.
But with every tear it shows that you care, so make a wish.
Let everyone you know that you care whether it be words or tears.
Because they will either be here now or they will be here for years.

ST Kool Laid   +1y
How's his family doing? Do they need help burying him? i would gladly help them out with whatever they need, i know what it is like to lose a friend, i lost a friend of mine, his name was Matt Eye he would help out anyone that needed it anytime of day. His family didnt have any money to bury him so a bunch of mini truckers around the states helped out and buryed him it was a great thing to see everyone help out another mini trucker and his family so i will definitly help out whereever i can. RIP drag it heaven.
ashvdbx   +1y
only met ya a few times but seems to me you were a pretty cool cat and im sure your family and friends will miss you. and to steph i only met you once but you could tell your brother loved ya.and not that it will make you feel any better right now.. but we lost someone in my family to a murder in 2000 and it will get better, so keep your chin up and prayers to you and your family .from mike lisa and josh.