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Yota 2.4L 22-RE I4 \  head gasket

head gasket

Yota 2.4L 22-RE I4 Yota Engine Yota Tech
views 3516
replies 17
following 6
loweredtoy   +1y
so, i blew my head gasket. I have a 22r, gonna be one of the gasket kits, not just for head gasket. So about how much work am i looking to get myself into.
oldsklminitrk   +1y
it aint to bad to change it ....just remeber to torque the hea din sequence and to the correct FTlbs......and dont forget the little bolt in front of the head that goes into the timing chain cover.....shouldnt take but a afternoon.
loweredtoy   +1y
an afternoon, is that including all the other gaskets? Also do you have the sequence and torque specs to save me from looking them up
holcombe347   +1y
i have a book for my 88 that has a 22r in it. it has all the torque specs and all that stuff. its out in the other garage. i can get it for you tomorrow if need be. if possible ill try to scan the page w/ all the info on it if i can get to my uncles house.
oldsklminitrk   +1y
well it all depends on what you are gonna change....Id do a timing chain and oil pump and water pump change too...cause I dont like to go into my engine that much so I just change all that when I go in.....I normally can change the whole front half and a head gasket in a few if you gonna do all that Id give yourself a day....that way if ya cant find a tool or something like that
loweredtoy   +1y
water pumps fairly new, and money is limited, yeah i know i should still do all that. But i have to have it running as quick as possible. Thanks for the help fellers.
vegasyota94   +1y
3tcrob   +1y

The little bolt in the front of the timing cover that goes throgh the head tighten it last after all the timing cover bolts so it wont crack the cover and leak
Loosing the head
front of motor 1 7 9 6 4
3 5 10 8 2

Tighten the head
front of motor 8 6 1 3 9
10 4 2 5 7
Head bolt specs is 58 ft-lbs tighten in four equal torque readings
which is 14.5 torque the bolts in sequence 4 times adding 14.5 each time till you get 58 Would also suggest getting new head bolts
oldsklminitrk   +1y
Thanks Rob ......I couldnt find my saved the day ...
3tcrob   +1y
no prob the numbers are suppose to be under the others but for some reason they wont line up when I post????