6 days later and FINALLY, &^*(%$^(@# FINALLY only HOURS away, NOT around the damn world, ONLY HOURS away it took 6 friggen days to react!!! You all say Bush couldn't do anything about it, and he didn't start the huricane. He was THERE WEDNESDAY, did his 5 minute speech and RAN AS FAST AS HE COULD BACK TO HIS PLANE TO GO BACK ON FRIGGEN VACATION!!!!!!!!! NOW FRIDAY he comes BACK and says this is all UNACEPTABLE!!!! I'M GLAD HE'S OUR %(O#$%(&#()$&Q@#)%$*()$#@%(&*@$#)%(&@$%)(&$@%)(&@$%)(@&$#%)(&*#@$%)(*#@%_)$*#@%_)*$#@%(&)$@%() PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!
I've served the marine corps, been overseas, played in the large sandbox, supported BUSH. BUT UNTIL THIS SHIT, BUSH CAN GO TO FRIGGEN HELL!!!!! 6 DAMN DAYS!!!! We took over IRAQ in 6 days and fed, watered and gave medical attention. THAT WAS AROUND THE DAMN PLANET!!!! The TSUNAMI we had aircraft carriers sitting off that coast in 2 days!!!!!!! That was around the damn PLANET!!!! This is in our OWN DAMN BACKYARD!!!! And the STUPIDEST thing I've heard is we need help from other countries. BUT BUSH SAYS WE DON'T NEED TO BRING BACK OUR TROOPS TO HELP!!! THIS SHIT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!! WHO has the POWER TO MAKE IT ACCEPTABLE???!!!! POLITICIANS are putting their feet in their MOUTHS!!!!!!! I'm VERY VERY EXTREMELY UPSET AND EMBARASSED OF OUR GOVERNMENT!!!! THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!! You can say all you want, but day by day people are FRIGGEN DIEING!!! ya majority are BLACK, SO FRIGGEN WHAT!!!!!! Apparently the WHITE RICH people (GOVERNMENT) is showing us that we can't get in there to help them until 6 DAMN DAYS LATER!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!! I will be VERY SUPPRISED if Bush is not assasinated in the next few months!!!!!!! THIS IS INSANE AND EMBARRASING!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!
I guess no one BELIEVED the mayor!!!! NO DAMN LEADERSHIP!!!! Talking that there needs to be a PLAN IN PLACE before anything gets going for help!!! Then how in the hell did we take over IRAQ without a damn plan??? DAMN GOVERNMENT dragging their feet for our own damn AMERICANS!!!! I can't wait to hear what all the troops OVERSEAS are going to say about all this crap!!!!!