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Off-topic \  Mayor of the NO lashes out.. check this.

Mayor of the NO lashes out.. check this.

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HitEmLow   +1y
The shit on this site never ceases to amaze me. You people need just a tad bit of compassion for the people who lost their homes, businesses, jobs, cars, houses, possessions and even lives. God that pedastal you guys are sitting on must have a great fucking view. Most of the people in New Orleans don't even own vehicles, so getting out when the mandatory evac was issued 1-2 days before the storm wasn't an easy task to undertake. And no they didn't know where the hurricane was going 5 days before, they never do. All storms are unpredictable and move back and forth. That's why they have that huge cone of where it could hit on the weather channel. I agree that the people that stayed when they had the option to leave should have made a better choice, but i'd never say 'you reap what you sow.' That is so fucking hateful. If these people were white most of you guys would be saying how horrible it is, not that they're fucking n$&*$r idiots. I hope none of you guys considers yourself religious or an upstanding citizen. Jesus this makes me sad. Do a good deed and donate blood or some money to the Red Cross. I'd do it for you if you were in that situation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some of you guys need to realize what you'd be saying if any of your family/friends were down there.
juiced150   +1y
there was help and rescue helicopters in new orleans pulling people off of roofs the day after the storm passed. The marines aren't needed and shouldn't even be deployed in new orleans to aide in getting these people out of there. The marines are being moved in to restore order in the city, not to set up a rescue camp.
SeveredBody   +1y
these same liberals bitchin about bush, are the same one's bitchin about how its his fault gas prices are so hi. your the one's that want less military and less oil refineries. then bitch when there's not enough military action and gas is $4.00 a gallon.
DeepSouthS10   +1y
it is bad enough that these mother fuckers are shooting each other and stealling shit in N.O., but now surrounding areas, including where i live, lake charles, is accepting N.O. residents to stay at many hotels and civic centers for free and feed them and give them a place to sleep for free, yet many of them still feel the need to unleash hell where i live! these people are beating the shit out of random locals and taking EVERYTHING on them leaving them naked in the street, they beat an older woman and raped her, shot up a wendy's, stole all sorts of shit from wal-mart (as well as a few other stores) and mugged some customers, and are stealing cars and breaking into homes all over town. and this is just in lake charles! the local news claims that there is no cause for alarm but they are full of shit, this shit is really happining. i am willing to bet that things will be even worse in the bigger cities such as lafayette and houston. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE! DO THEY NOT WANT TO BE HELPED?
CustomParts   +1y
Originally posted by lowestyota

i am almost 30 yrs old and have had many college classes such as political science and govt econ yet i have never heard of a president having to multitask major incidents such as pres bush .im sure he asked alqeda to fly planes into our homeland and he prayed for a naturak disaster. if u want to make a difference volunteer to do cleanup or just donate blood. running your suck isnt going to accomplish anything


I support Bush, I support our troops, I support our nation. Anyone who dont should realy consider moving to Irag since it so nice over there. I may not agree with every aspect of the war in Iraq but as long as my brothers are over there fighting for my damn freedom, I will fight for them here.

CustomParts   +1y
Originally posted by HitEmLow

The shit on this site never ceases to amaze me. You people need just a tad bit of compassion for the people who lost their homes, businesses, jobs, cars, houses, possessions and even lives. God that pedastal you guys are sitting on must have a great fucking view. Most of the people in New Orleans don't even own vehicles, so getting out when the mandatory evac was issued 1-2 days before the storm wasn't an easy task to undertake. And no they didn't know where the hurricane was going 5 days before, they never do. All storms are unpredictable and move back and forth. That's why they have that huge cone of where it could hit on the weather channel. I agree that the people that stayed when they had the option to leave should have made a better choice, but i'd never say 'you reap what you sow.' That is so fucking hateful. If these people were white most of you guys would be saying how horrible it is, not that they're fucking n$&*$r idiots. I hope none of you guys considers yourself religious or an upstanding citizen. Jesus this makes me sad. Do a good deed and donate blood or some money to the Red Cross. I'd do it for you if you were in that situation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some of you guys need to realize what you'd be saying if any of your family/friends were down there.

I do have compassion for those that lost thier lives, homes, family, ect but you cant tell me that even though they did not have a car or any money they could not get out. Blow that smoke up someone else ass cause I aint buyin it. Let me take your ass to some place and tell you a category 4 storm is coming and I bet you find a way to get out.... They could have walked, caught a bus, stole a car, stole a bike, stole a damn radio flyer wagon..Anything to get out of there but they never left the city limits?????? That just dont seem like trying to help themselves to me. Does it you? Then they are down there bitchin about not having supplies.

Here is a few things that I have seen on the news that many of you have seen also. Can you explain this?::::

A women when asked why she did not flee the city before the storm told a reporter that she had no car or money and she would not get her government check until Fri?????????

A family abandones thier 3 month old baby on the roof of thier home and swim to safer ground. Luckely someone rescued the infant and found his parents. When asked why they left the child they said "It was the only way we could get out alive, We knew we could not save ourselves with the child"

Is this the people you want us to have compassion for? Like I said there were people that actually could not leave but I would not be afriad to bet that at least 80% of them could have left. But no, they seen all this shit coming.

"Hey we will ride out this storm then the government will feed us, cloth us, give us a good place to stay, ect, ect." If this is not the case you tell me why else they stayed??????
CiViS300   +1y
Originally posted by wrkd94toy

matt ss10 first of all its only black people that aare doing this shit open your eyes u biggit people like u make me sick thay are all in a very bad spot right now no need to pick them out by their race just remember before u speak think u sound like a idiot I didnt see any video or read any reports of "whites" shooting at the cops or setting fires did you? This is not a thing about race its the brutal truth, most of the people that are stuck there in NO are lower income, blacks and whites with the majority being black. Then you have all the gang banger/indigents that are shooting at the cops and fire fighters (who are the people trying to help) because they think their the kings of the fucking bayou. There were numerous rapes and murders inside the Superdome each day which was housing for most of the lower income african americans in NO. So how is stating the facts make Matt a bigot(notice the spelling you moron?) Next up is President Bush, I dont agree with everything this dudes done but he has no control over how fast troops can be deployed and have their control centers set-up. Then there is no place to stage these troops since you still have 80 percent of the city under water and tens of thousands of people still at holding areas which are pretty much the only places not flooded. Then you have the mayor of NO acting like a fucking pussy and trying to push the blame else where when it should be upon his shoulders, why didnt he have provisons made to move the low income families out or some sort of plan of action since it is his city. He is the one responsible for his city first and for most not the US Government. Some of you may say "why didnt they deploy the troops in advance since they knew 3 days prior to it hitting land" because they cant predict those last minute changes and its not worth stranding or risking thousands of troops lives to prestage them somewhere and have the storm turn and head at them. There is only so much you can do when something this catastrophic happens. Anyone who lived in Miami for Andrew knows all to well that it took 3 full days before any type of military personnel was able to get set-up and fully operational and there was no standing water in Miami so use that as a reference to how long it takes.
Edited: 9/3/2005 6:26:24 AM by NOTLONUF

i'm not racist, but lets be serious, anyone who has seen the news has seen that its been all black people in the stores looting, now i'm not saying there wasnt any white people but i personally havent seen any. and why should we help them if there gonna be shooting at people any way????? i say fuck that shit let that part of new orleans stay under water and become there own island, like the movie escape from LA, because thats what its seeming to become anyways. and i saw there was a thread about it but i figure i'll just say it in here, kayne west is a dumb racist fuck. that stupid bitch could barely talk when the had his ass on t.v. up there stuttering over his words like a fool about how "his people are dying and needing help" fuck you, why don't you send some of your millions, and we all know if this happened to a rich community or even a mainly white community his bitch ass wouldnt do shit. fuck all these supporters. and whats funny is i also saw last night an interview with tiger woods, an intellectual black person, and he was asking the same questions as most white people, why are people shooting at help when they should be coming together too help????? once again i say fuck it, your ass better be Kurt Russel if you wanna come off that island.
KatrinaPrayers   +1y
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