To set it, measure the output angle of your tranny. I reference it from level, so 1 degree down for example. Then match your rearend to that but opposite, 1 degree up for this particular case. After this is set, put your driveshaft back in and measure the driveshaft angle. You are looking for a difference in the angle of the tranny to driveshaft to be no more than 3 degrees but not 0. The reason for this is the u-joints have to rotate or they won't keep the needle bearings lubed and you don't want it alot more than 3 because it will cause excessive wear and short life. If it is out of this range, you should consider raising the rear of the tranny with a spacer and doing the measurements again. You can do all of this on a driveway, it doesn't have to be level because all of the measurements you take will be equally offset from level. Remember that the reason for vibrations is inbalance and since u-joints travel in elliptical paths you have to have an opposite inbalance to counteract the inevitable path of a u-joint working in an angle.