hey i got a good idea for one!!!
"just because you have a welder it doesn't make you a fabricator" thanks to j-dub for that one lol
" real friends dont let friends tack weld their body drops back together" LOL
"if ya can't tuck it fuck it!!"
"why no officer i didn't know that was illegal"
"actually sir it's not broke and the tires arn't flat" LOL
"why just drive a truck when you can drag one??"
"why yes i am one of the 1000's of haters on SSM" LOL
"i sent luke money to upgrade to a super duper white gold account and all i got was this lousy t-shirt 3 years later" just kidding
"why yes mamm that was you daughter with her tits hanging out of the rag top"
"this shirt gets me more pussy that the animal shelter" with a kick ass outline of a girl behind it