I carry the Glock model 22 (.40, full size) on duty, and in cold weather, off duty too. It's been almost TOTALLY reliable. After about 2000 rounds or so, I've probably had only about 5 malfunctions that WEREN'T the result of the dummy rounds the firearms instructor slips in on purpose.....
The only reason I don't carry it year-round, everywhere is because carrying a full-size pistol is a bit of a pain, and you just CAN'T comfortably conceal it in the heat of summer. My little 9 just disappears in a IWB holster underneath a tank top and shorts....
I'd get one of the Glock subcompacts, but I hate the way they feel. I can only get one finger on the grip under the trigger guard, and the other two just curl up underneath the mag well. And, yeah, I know about the mag extensions, just don't see the point.
For me, probably the ideal would be a Kahr in .40.
.....but I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy one.....