Originally posted by LaynRockers
Edited: 4/2/2006 10:17:53 AM by LaynRockers
Corey from what all I have read I STILL believe your problem is with your bag mounts! Take the KW upper arms off and put your fac ones on. Cut some out of the center to make sure it will clear the upper bag mount and see if it will lay. If so it is the KW arms, if not it is your bag set up. There is more than 1 mazda out there with 20's that do not have any aftermarket arms and will lay. This is just a sujestion take it or leave it. I know when we built the frame for Garrick (SSM-Editor) his is set for 20's as well with KW arms and will not bind layed out or at full lift, 10-11" travel estimated. Mine is set for the same on 20's with KW arms......John
LOL.... its not my bag mounts... tell me how it can be my bag mounts when there is none in there???
Im not that stupid that its the bag mounts... gimme some credit.