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Full Size Truckin General \  Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

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KEG Media   +1y
Originally posted by umadnow

that rendering was dunn 3years ago for dodge "a shop progect" that was not even dunn or started. tha dulley thats at tha shop is hansonsHttp:// o concour. it was gonna be a sponsored truck from dodge and never happened. that dodge is hansons that is at his shop.

Layumon22s   +1y
With the rendering: I was just trying to connect the dots just simply assuming things.
I have in no way bashed ANY of Eric's work. I know they do good work that's why I drove over 500 hundred miles to get it to them. BUT they have no customer support system! I was told 6-8 weeks and it has been 6 months and I wouldn't even have a problem with it but when he can't even pick up the phone to let me know what's going on? I have never once been called by Eric or anyone at that shop and was told "hey __________ has happened and we are going to have to do ________ to make it work" it's always me having to harass them for 2 weeks to get any answer and then all he can say is "Well nothing new has happened with your truck, so I didn't call you because I had nothing new to tell you." When you tell someone you are going to call, pick up the phone and call or at least answer or TRY to return my phone calls! THAT IS WHAT'S FRUSTRATING!
expLOWer   +1y
To the dude up there that said this isn't like overhaulin, no shit! My Explorer has been down there for well over 3 years, no where close to being done, so don't tell me to be patient. I believe the old saying is first come, first serve, guess not?
low downin   +1y
i can build a Sams club in less than 5 months. just a thought and 14e beers
kustomfab   +1y
The puter truck is Josh Wiley's Bigtrk is his name on here.
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
Well LowSixty7, I have been patient and gave him plenty of time but if you look at my profile for my ranger you will see what he's done in the 4yrs he's had my ranger. He's does good work when he wants to, it just seems that lately he is more focused on building arms and not completing trucks that a majority of the customers including me have paid ALOT of money up front on. I was never one to come on here and bash him, but when you don't see any progress on your truck ( my ranger-3+yrs of no progress and over a year for my chevy)and he won't return messages or e-mails what else is left to do???????
grip   +1y
Three year's is a very long time and would think you would have put the truck with someone that care's by now.On this public bashing issue I think people should be subjective seeing we are talking about a person's mean's of feeding his family.All the money and time you people have spent you have a right to complain but sometime's I see young buck's on here following the bashing bandwagon with total disregard for anyone's reputation.
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
Like I said Im not one for bashing, but the time has come for me to stop being nice, end of story. Its true that after 4yrs i should have pulled my truck along time ago, but I tried giving them the benefit of doubt and believed his lies. But its hard to pull your trucks when one of them has no suspension on it and the other I've pretty much lost all hope on. I also don't agree with people getting on the bashing bandwagon but there's alot of people on here like me and lance(expLOWer) that have had their rides up there for years and are given excuse after excuse as to why its not getting done. Some one will say that they can't work on only one truck, but I say that he shouldn't bring in project after project and not even finish the trucks he's had in there for a couple years.
Bagd-F150   +1y
Well all I can say is that Kustomwerks does excelent work always has. For those who's have been sitting down there for years sorry, but I bet when its finished everyone will be like thats BAD A$$ like the Envoy of Strips that they built(took along time for it also as I remember). Its a custom shop, not your everyday we install stereo and wheels and tires and window tint you got your ride pimped shop. Custom in no way means Bolt On. With Kustomwerks A-Arms not everyone can be pleased someone is not going to get exactly what they wanted, it happens sorry. With only the Two of them at the shop Eric and Matt, its probably hard to build Custom Rides and A-Arms at the same time, Yes they are behind on both, no body's perfect. I figure they can't get any work done because its just the two of them and they are running crazy to get things done. When you ASSUME things, someone told me to spell it out and it tell you what it does.. makes a A$$ out of U and ME ! Like above this is their Business insteaded of Bashing them take the means and confront the problem with the Business. It already seems people know that they do Good Work and They are Behind.

Just my opinions. I'll take my Truck back to them when I get the 22's in July 2006, the've already told me it will be awhile before I can get it in thats fine because the do good work and have stood behind it for me, my truck was bagged in 2002.
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
I have confronted them, after a half dozen e-mails stating I was driving up there(10hrs one way)to get my chevy, he finally decided to e-mail the day I was leaving( that night mind you) saying that it couldn't be moved cause it was in pieces. Then when I got there he acted like a total dick, thats not customer service. I know they do good work(sometimes)but after he said I haven't given him enough time to finish either of my trucks that was the last straw.