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Full Size Truckin General \  Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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OK ok I feel all of your problems But.. I ordered my ARMS from Eric and had them in 2 weeks i feel that is good. You all need to understand that this sport has blown up and everyone is wanting the next day air service that Custom shop cant do..... Customs take time its not a over night deal.........

Eric i got your back man

Jay "HOEDOWN" //NC\\ Florida
OK ok I feel all of your problems But.. I ordered my ARMS from Eric and had them in 2 weeks i feel that is good. You all need to understand that this sport has blown up and everyone is wanting the next day air service that Custom shop cant do..... Customs take time its not a over night deal.........

Eric i got your back man

Jay "HOEDOWN" //NC\\ Florida
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
control arms are the only thing eric is working on. when i went up there last week that is what he was doing building control arms and not working on any trucks. as far as building the envoyno it did'nt take them that long to build. they built the envoy and his 4 runner but yet they have had my ranger way before that and the only thing they have is a i dont have any problems with strip(matt) he just works there and works on what eric wants him work on.
impulse   +1y
Originally posted by LowestSixty7

I think that it is bull that people come on streetsource to bad mouth, talk shit, complain about other shops and or people. I dont think that this site was ever intended for that but i could be wrong. Obviously you took your truck to Kustomwerks because you had seen their work or someone reccommended them to you. That is how it works. The only way we get buisness at IF Customs is from word of mouth and referrals. The problem with this damn market and scene that we are in is that everybody thinks that they can do this shit themselves. Look how fast new shops open up and go out of buisness. So shops like Kustomwerks, IF Customs, Eketensive Metal Works, and etc. have to spend three quarters of their time fixing all these back yard jobs. It sucks having to fix other peoples shit. And it frustrating as hell because there are always trucks to fix from other shops or people that try and do it themselves. You were taking your truck there for them to ''rework'' the bags because they were probably 'F'ed up already. What people dont understand is that you cant just exactly predict how long something will take. You said you have had your truck there 6 what we have had the Ford F150 in our shop for 2 years. Yes it had alot of work done...sectioning, chopping, 22's, bodydrop to door and etc. Yeah it could probably be done if that was the only thing we worked on everyday. If Eric worked on your truck everyday it would probably be done....but what about the other customers? This isnt overhaulin...we cant build this crap in 7 days. What i reccommend is just being patient with Eric. He does bad ass work. He makes killer arms. Just because its taking 6 months to get your truck back doesnt mean the work is crap. If you wanted to get into IF Custom try waiting 6 months or more....Besides if you take your truck out of there who the heck is going to finish it? What i reccomend is to be patient with Eric, come up with a plan, and get your truck done.

yeah for sure fixing other peoples fucks is one thing and its shitty... but taking on more customers and telling them they will have their truck in such and such a time, and then using the excuse that there is other customers as well and we can only get to yours when time permits... that to me sounds like a mismanagement of time and taking on more work than you can handle at the time.

Take on what you can handle and get done in due time... if your shop is good people will always be there coming to the door for work... if you start taking way longer on things because your bringing in to many customers and going way over deadlines I don't think thats to great for business and in the end your work may speek for itself, but I know if my truck was gone for 6 months or something i'd be pretty choked.

Don't take on more than you can handle!
slammedxonair   +1y
ya i think its better to put some1 on a waitig list then take there truck in and get backed up. but ya im building trucks on the side and know on a very small bassis how things can be but if kustom werx needs some help pm me ill move down there to work for ya.
draggintoy   +1y
if you run a shop/buisness, and you tell your customer that hes/her vehicle will be done at a certine time, get it done at that time, or atleast pick up the phone and call them!! It doesn't matter if you do AMAZING WORK, if ya tell someone something and don't come through, your gonna get a bad rep.It's all about customer service and time management. Be up front with your customers and they'll be happier.
bdroppeddak   +1y
2 people working a min of 40 hrs a week should have no problem to knock out countless jobs in 3 years.....
FluffyFreak   +1y
holy christ!!! a badass shop builds a badass truck! everyone wants shit done by them!!! but they want it yesterday! if i was puttin my burban ina shop like IF or kustomwertks or EKMW id ecpect them to take at least 3 months! plus if you take arod to Chip Foose rods by troy or boyd they takea minimum of 6 months >and thats if your lucky and gotta bank account that speaks loudly
sdimeondubs   +1y
Edited: 6/3/2006 12:00:04 PM by sdimeondubs

Originally posted by Layumon22s

BdyDrpdRngr: you wouldn't happen to have a gold colored chevy 1500? Because I know that truck was on the jig in March and that was supposed to be going out like March 15th and I'm pretty sure that it's still laying around.

thats my friends josh's truck.... its been there like 8 months a believe... and yes its still laying there...

hes in the same boat wiht some of you.... i took my truck to Lil shop of horrors and had it out in 2 months (3 weeks waiting on back set-up) and that just made him more mad haha...

josh and chris hanson's truck are both up there and have been up there forever... sad to see soooo many shops that turn out like this...
KEG Media   +1y
Originally posted by draggintoy

if you run a shop/buisness, and you tell your customer that hes/her vehicle will be done at a certine time, get it done at that time, or atleast pick up the phone and call them!! It doesn't matter if you do AMAZING WORK, if ya tell someone something and don't come through, your gonna get a bad rep.It's all about customer service and time management. Be up front with your customers and they'll be happier.well said