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Full Size Truckin General \  Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

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BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
Edited: 6/3/2006 1:12:43 PM by BdyDrpdRngr

holy christ!!! a badass shop builds a badass truck! everyone wants shit done by them!!! but they want it yesterday! if i was puttin my burban ina shop like IF or kustomwertks or EKMW id ecpect them to take at least 3 months! plus if you take arod to Chip Foose rods by troy or boyd they takea minimum of 6 months >and thats if your lucky and gotta bank account that speaks loudlyJay Daddy!!--------------------------------------------

Well Jay Daddy, if you where told that you would have your truck back in 3 months then 2 yrs later they start telling you that they don't have all the parts needed for the motor and what not. I guess they didn't realize 2yrs ago what all they needed for my LS1, yet that is one of hundreds of excuses im being told as to why one of my trucks isn't being completed when I was told. If you give someone a date and can't stick to it, at least have the decency to call or e-mail and explain why. I recieved neither.
dragn168   +1y
heres whats up yeah sure it works out great for the customer if the shop only takes in vehicles that it can finish on the deadlines but the fact is that taking on less vehicles mean taking on less money which means not being able to pay the bills. so the only way you could stay in business would be to have a waitng list longer than the circumfrence of the earth and charging 15 times as much as they do now to stay in business. so fuckin deal with it. or go take some welding/fabrication classes and do it your self
grip   +1y
The shop owner decides how long to retain job's.That is his right.The truck owner decides when to pull his car.that is your right.You know what you have to do and I can promiss you it wont be fun but there are other shop's that pride themself's on customer service and are kick fuckin ass fabricator's.I have spent my entire life in this line of work and have seen worse so be thankfull that your truck can even be fixed.from your pic's it look's like your cab is in pretty good shape and if your truck is just frame work should be no more than two month's worth of work.sadly this is how most of my job's come to me and it pain's me to think what I have choose to do with my life is so dicey.There is no other line of work that has this many problem's But this is what I do and I have no regret's.If you can't wait just pull your truck.
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
Edited: 6/3/2006 3:26:26 PM by BdyDrpdRngr

so what your saying anthony is that he should keep taking on more and more projects when the ones he's had there for years just sit? Also the trucks that have been there for years, the owners of them have given alot of money up front with no return. Its also hard to pull something that can only be moved by a forklift. If they can't produce a road worthy truck in 4yrs or less they have a serious problem and need to stop letting trucks pile up and finish what they started. And on another note, not to sound like a dick, but if you don't know the WHOLE STORY KEEP THE FUCK OUT OF IT. everybody is trying to explain why its taking so long when they don't know the whole story.
draggincaddy   +1y
Edited: 6/3/2006 3:30:36 PM by fiveinchbodydrop

i would be pissed too! on another note i saw the truck "asphault is evil"(clint) was talkin about on page 2 and i cant believe they sent him home like that! they cut like 3 inches out of the frame for the tierods and didnt weld one anything in the hole.... just a big ol notch cut out.

good luck man
draggintoy   +1y
See this should be a lesson for all shop owners out there. BE HONEST WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS!!! if you tell them its gonna be done in 3 months get it done, or GIVE THEM A CALL AND EXPLAIN WHY IT ISN't. it's not that hard. Make deadlines that can actualy happen. What good is a full shop if ya not finishing any of them?

I dropped my truck of at a local bodyshop up here, told them i would like it back by end of June, he told me he'd try but it would be more then likely end of August, He calls me every other week to give me an update and to tell me if theres any problems, Thats how ya run a buisness.
grip   +1y
I just can't comprehend how you can leave your truck at a shop that long.After a few month's did you not know they were not working on your truck?Can you not file small claim's to get your money back?Can two people not pick up a ranger cab and put it on a trailer?Are you on here out of anger or do you care about this happening to other people?
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
Well when your being told thats its being worked on and that your frame is being powdercoated you would tend to believe them at first. I don't have the the luxury of dropping everything and driving close to 10hrs one way to check on them. I was understanding in the fact that there was only 2 of them and it was going slow. If he would have been staight forward with me and said he had to much on his plate I would have never taken the fullsize to him and yes maybe the ranger would be alittle further along(although the 2yrs prior to the fullsize being dropped off he can't explain the lack of work). But he never said that, just that its gonna be close. Im not on here out of anger, just letting everyone know the truth about KW.And as far I getting the ranger cab, I could have gotten it but when I take it I'm taking a check back home with me also.
bdroppeddak   +1y
you kinda put this on yourself, after 2 years, you have a primered ranger cab, then you say hey, let me give you another truck, even though in 2 years you havent done anything to the 1st one, i want you to now build 2 trucks.
BdyDrpdRngr   +1y
I fully agree with you cris, I know I brought this on myself. But, when I took him the fullsize is when he told me the frame was being powdercoated. So I thought that after he got my fullsize done in a couple months the ranger wouldn't be to far behind. I knew the ranger was gonna be a long process because it was in such bad shape when I took it to him,just not this long. Live and you learn, I won't let anything like this happen again though.