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Full Size Truckin General \  Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

Anyone planning on using Kustomwerks out of TN?

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Just a point to make here. In this scene everyone goes with the latest greatest name dropped. No shop can keep up with hte instant flood of orders when everyone catches on at the same time. The problem then becomes trying to figure out the priority and what would be able to get knocked out the fastest. From the email tags with Eric, he is working as hard as he can trying to catch up. Doing the oldest orders first. Would you rather have him on here ranting about life sucks, my dog ate my welder? I would rather just have him do what he is doing and respond when he gets a chance.

insaneautoconcepts   +1y
Originally posted by FXDGRND

Just a point to make here. In this scene everyone goes with the latest greatest name dropped. No shop can keep up with hte instant flood of orders when everyone catches on at the same time. The problem then becomes trying to figure out the priority and what would be able to get knocked out the fastest. .

Thats how I feel also. We are also feeling the growing pains aswell. That is why I am the shop on a sunday, Plus not being able to make it to shows. But I would rather it be that way and not having to be out looking for work...
Layumon22s   +1y
another lie has come out of the Kustomwerks shop on when my truck would be done and here I sit almost 7 months without my truck when I was told it would be 6-8 weeks...
bdroppeddak   +1y
did you see the thread on kustomwerks that theres now only one full time guy now? looks like that 6-8 weeks will become 6-8 years.
impulse   +1y
Have I ever told anyone how great of a guy Eric is??
rustywheels   +1y
such a great guy that he leaves his job at Kustomwerks to go work for another company and only be able to work on paying Kustomwerks customers vehicles in the evening and on the weekends...
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
Edited: 7/11/2008 3:47:31 PM by RAduallyon4s

Edited: 7/11/2008 3:46:16 PM by RAduallyon4s

I finally got the dually back from Eric and let me tell ya it was a fiassco. Let me first say that as of now its all taken care of and doing fine. However...when I got the truck first back, there was STILL some small details that were left undone (like weak ass valves, unuseable AC line, and some other small stuff. And as for ANYONE who defends what Kustommwerks did to ANYONE...try this on...Let me have something of yours that you are still paying for and have a true passion for and keep it for 3 years...after you've paid for the work to it in full...lets see how frustrated YOU are and helpless it feels....So dont say a thing to me until YOU first go through what I did (And ALOT of folks did have to gothrough somethng like this). I dont care how severe a life changing moment is... thats still your job. Many people have life changing moments and still go to work and take care of difficult as it is to do they get back to business as usual. I have had a few of those in recent past and so I know what its like. I was as patient as ANYONE could be with ANYONE and the treatment I got is what I got in return. Yes the job was done...and done well other than a few things...but that doesnt matter when it took so long to complete it...Many people were affected by this...and of course the ones who did it don't care...but oh if it happened to them they'd be the first to raise a stink over it. I wish I had the gall to just walk away from something and not worry about the consequences...but being who i am I would never and dont see how people like that even exist.
groundedwatts   +1y
some of these shops just plain out don't budget thier time well.

Don't take in a truck if you already have 3 and a 2 man team.

Give reasonable completion dates that give yourself leeway.

I don't know if most shops do it, but get yourself a big ass dry erase board or chaulkboard. Write down things to do that day and make sure they get done and if they don't and it seems things are going to get thrown out of whack, then inform the customer and keep them up-to-date so they are not waiting/wondering.

mainly just learn to budget your time and things would run smoother.
LowBlazin   +1y
Wow, im just amazed how anyone can defend or justify shops taking too long. You cant really say badass work takes time when there's no work goin on. If you can't finish one why would you feel you finish two or more. I dont know the whole story but if you can't live up to your word dont try.
Slammy   +1y
Sigh...there is a very simple solution to this.


No work being done, you arent being charged and i dont make any money to pay my bills with. You dont pay then i own your truck, very simple. Money is the motivator and benefits both parties.

I have been doing it hourly for the last year and its great. Customers are never out any large sum of money and are free to come pick up their truck at any point and time. This also scares off most the cheap asses that i dont want to deal with anyways.