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Mini Truckin General \  where the juice go

where the juice go

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 867
replies 57
following 48
s10drgn   +1y
so i havent seen any new juiced trucks anymore where did they go
FreelandKustomz   +1y
4uh8rs blazer is juiced. not many people do it anymore because of the bulky batterys, and the comfort, the mess, no cylinders sticking into the bed. air bags and trucks go hand in hand now adays
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y
people are just getting lazy
TwistedMinis   +1y
I think a lot of people are under-educated about them. I know I am.
laidiscrewu   +1y
Alot of people are afraid of sumthing they dont know about.Ide take juice over bags any day.The only reasone i took the juice out of my mazda is so i can sell it.It seams no one ( on the east caost that is ) wants juice.
HarryBalls   +1y
Originally posted by AON-4PumpedCL

people are just getting lazy

thank you.
Wicked Fantacies   +1y
Where the juice go?...

johnz   +1y
oj is still in cali i think
Juiced_RL   +1y

I agree with all as you can see I have had both and will never put another air system in anything if I ever build anything again.

Bulky batteries? how about compressors
Big Pumps? oh yeah those are tanks are small
Mess? hah not if you know what you are doing
Cylinders through the bed? no don't put a 4" or 6" cyclinder on your link bar.
Charging batteries? yeah it's hard to sleep while you charge them so much better to wait and listen to the compressors fill your tanks.

suckafree   +1y
I got juice on my blazer. everytime I get a new ride....its always bagged 1st then i switch to juice. Honestly....I just like to hear the sound, ha.

Yes they can be messy when tearing apart....but so are engines.