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Mini Truckin General \  where the juice go

where the juice go

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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choppedn22d   +1y
Ill take whatever. But you cant beat the sound of dro,s.
dragit89sdime   +1y
Dead Batteries-Go Home No Air-Pump More
Leak Fluid-Clean Up Leak Air-Oh Well
Big Batteries Engine Driven

There is tons of things to compare and all in all id much rather run bags than juice ive had both and the bags in my opinion are way cleaner and less hassle parts are cheap and can be bought anywhere.

Thats just my opinion, still love to see the juiced rides just dont want it for myself but everyone is different, if its what you like than thats what you should do.
detached   +1y
ive had both and honestly my ONLY problem i ever had was reverse flow cylinders they suck plain and simple i NEVER blew a cylinder or seal that was triple sealed however i bent the shit out of and blew seals all day long on reverse flow cylinders..

ive never had any major problems with either that i couldnt fix besides replacing seals i always had an issue there.. but other than that both look great and operate great if done well
dragonassmazda   +1y
juicin my burban new pics soon
do_spiderman   +1y
I have had both, 3 rides juiced and 1 bagged after juiced, and I will never ride dros on a daily again. I love both so its all good!
Collapsed Accord   +1y
LEAK AIR OH WEll dude thats the dumbest thing ive heard ....ive had both air and juice and ill never own air ride agian on nuttin juice is the way to go ...oh yea thats one low dime u got there

Originally posted by dragit89sdime

JUICE BAGSDead Batteries-Go Home No Air-Pump More Leak Fluid-Clean Up Leak Air-Oh WellBig Batteries Engine Driven

There is tons of things to compare and all in all id much rather run bags than juice ive had both and the bags in my opinion are way cleaner and less hassle parts are cheap and can be bought anywhere.

Thats just my opinion, still love to see the juiced rides just dont want it for myself but everyone is different, if its what you like than thats what you should do.

94juicednissan   +1y
we are limited, but they some guys still running juice on the east coast,we have 4 in our club including me. what it all boils down to is personal choice, i have had both and i prefer juice and i agree for a daily it might not be practical but sometimes neither can be air!
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Edited: 2/2/2007 4:48:16 AM by Chopped Mazda

I run juice in my current project. And ive ran juice and air on a few of my past projects, and theres no comparison to me. Each time i try to go with air, i allways switch to juice at some time.......

Some people are just ignorant to that type of suspension, and they believe all the common stereotypes. Hell, if you want to see how close minded some people are about juice, go check out the S-10 forum, those guys think its in the same group as the plague.....

laidout94toy   +1y
Give me a month or two. I already bought a prohopper set up.
onelow96cs   +1y
i have juice on my s10.