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Mini Truckin General \  where the juice go

where the juice go

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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North East Kustoms   +1y
Edited: 2/2/2007 9:22:51 AM by North East Kustoms

I am rocking the juice. have been for 10 years now. I've had both and both have there place.

I just dont like the ignorant comments of batteries this, leaks that blah blah.

I drive my shit daily all summer long & I charge my batteries once a month (Unless I am going to a show) My system is tite no leaks.

I think people tolerate more BS with a bag set up. If it leaks, you can live with it if it is small.

Droz for president.
swchhpy   +1y
i think it's just personal preference.... do what you know. if you don't know juice don't do it. there is alot involved unlike air that is simple. but if your board with air i recomend learnin some juice! once you figure out juice it really not hard. it takes more common sence. ex. you cvan't just lock it up all the way you could f up a gear if your not careful. dead batts mean problems. u juice guyz know what i mean...

i don't know just talking out loud. if u don't know juice don't bad mouth it. it's awesome when u have it. oh yeah when you air guyz r waiting for air in ur tank... u can watch me hitn switches on u the whole time!!! SWCHHPY!!

Originally posted by laidIscrewu

Alot of people are afraid of sumthing they dont know about.Ide take juice over bags any day.The only reasone i took the juice out of my mazda is so i can sell it.It seams no one ( on the east caost that is ) wants juice.i live on the east coast and i have juice on the explorer and i love it ialso have the 1500 on bags and there great too they both have good and bad points
dragit89sdime   +1y
Originally posted by Juiced_RL

Originally posted by dragit89sdime

JUICE BAGSDead Batteries-Go Home No Air-Pump More Leak Fluid-Clean Up Leak Air-Oh WellBig Batteries Engine Driven

Dead bateries Go Home?

No no dead bateries leave the vehicle up and go hang out with your friends and come back hours later because when you noticed a leak you looked and could see it grabbed a wrench and tightened the fitting. Then you drive home.Out of air let them fill up go hang with your friends come back truck is laid out compressor is barely on. What could that be oh a dead car battery because you noticed the truck had a leak but said oh well.

I can go to extremes also. Be realistic when you comment.

Engine driven-yeah because every redneck on this sight puts in an engine driven compressor get real most of you buy the bag setup you see in Minitruckin and half ass put it together throw everything in the bed with self tapping screws and your done. Hey mom look at me I drive a peice of shit.

Don't get me wrong there are some very nice bag jobs out there also but good work is starting to be less and less. But those of you who do good work know who you are.

first off my truck is fully bagged the only thing im lacking is spindles or control arms to lay the front. second there is not a single thing in my bed but the hole from the notch, third im not a hillbilly and run engine driven I will challenge anybody with juice to playing time i can hit switches all day and all night until my fingers get tired. Fact batteries go dead and u have to recharge them and it is not a quick process. I fill a 7 gallon tank in about 1 minute.
dragit89sdime   +1y
by the way im not trying to argue with anyone or make fun of there opinion i just think it is fun to give each other shit about it we are all apart of a lifestyle that we know and love so like i said, its your ride build it like you want it and just keep it clean. Sorry if i offended anybody or pissed anybody off its just turned into a debate topic.
LOL i love my juice! even though brian from AON redid it and did a great job. but it hasnt been seen yet by the public! soon though! very soon
skip1100   +1y
where is a good site/place that has a write up on how to juice? i want to run juice on my 91 accord(on air now) and my 69 lincoln. i need to learn more before i start.
trashed   +1y, tech section
TukinRange   +1y
maybe people are finally figuring out that hydraulics belong on earthmovers and HUGE construction equipment. Not little tinker toy cars and trucks =) Personally i'd rather have hydros then bags, my next truck willprolly be dros
my DAILY DRIVEN JUICED car has a street charger on it, which charges my four batteries while I drive. Which are hidden in the spare tire well, and my pumps are in the corner out of the way. My car hasn't been on a battery charger, thanks to the street charger. Study up on juice before you speak your pointless opinion when you know nothing. Do it right, and it won't leak. Spend the money and get the good shit the first time and not have to worry about it again.