Edited: 2/2/2007 8:40:42 AM by HOLCOMBE347
Originally posted by Juiced_RL
I agree with all as you can see I have had both and will never put another air system in anything if I ever build anything again.
Bulky batteries? how about compressorsBig Pumps? oh yeah those are tanks are smallMess? hah not if you know what you are doingCylinders through the bed? no don't put a 4" or 6" cyclinder on your link bar.Charging batteries? yeah it's hard to sleep while you charge them so much better to wait and listen to the compressors fill your tanks.
everything has its pro's and con's but those comparissons have got to be the most ignorant thing ive heard. didnt anyone read the mini truckin article about the juice versus air?
im sorry but compressors are a hell of a lot smaller than batteries. i stuffed an air tank under my truck out of sight. ran two compressors so if one goes out, i still have the other and im not stranded. that problem was solved. and waiting on air? it take what 2 minutes to fill a tank typically. and if you get that impatient run nitrogen. i would no doubt run juice on a car/wagon/truck with big rims that would require a lot of lift to untuck but to knock one over the other its just boils down to personal prefference. how is running air considered to be lazy? no matter what we do, the typical mini, weather it be juiced or bagged is gonna have to be cut up, notched, linked and whatever so after all that the 'working/hauling' days of our minis are pretty much over, so who cares what goes in the bed, half the time there isnt much of a bed floor left.
i know i would be afraid to run juice in a daily driven car. ive blown a hydraulic line on our tractor and it send oil effin everywhere....i could only imagine what it would do to an interior. but if its hardlined i guess that problem is solved to. this arguement could go back and fourth all day long... i dont think one is better than the other...althought the sound of air is pretty cool and makes for some good fun scaring people.