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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  front upper control arm mounts

front upper control arm mounts

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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replies 51
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cuzican   +1y
I would reinforce those mounts some they'll just fold over backwards if you dont. Also just from personal experience weld your upper ball joints in, they will pop out. Just weld small amounts at a time if you get it to hot it'll build up pressure behind the stud and when it gets hot enough it will come apart violnetly.
cuzican   +1y
Originally posted by flatnbagged95

i didn't move them in any but sectioning them gave me less negative camber.i got really bad tow out when it was all the way down.i corrected it for ride hieght but now when im all the way up i get mad toe in. i got new pics comin as soon as they get approved, i finally finished the front.

The toe problem is something you have to get just right, I have the same problem its due to the length of the tie rods.
choppedcivic98   +1y
What size tubing are you useing???
flatnbaggedcivic   +1y
I'm using 1 1/4 inch inside diameter tubing and 1/4 inch plate. I pretty much got the toe problem fixed now im just worried about my caster and i am definety reinforcing everything i just got it to work so i could play with it in class and see if would work... lol ill post more pics when i get the rest of the front done next week
choppedcivic98   +1y
here is mine, that tubing is not going to be used, just got bored one night, lol
post photo
Sivik   +1y
how is any of this safe? shudnt you put shocks on aswell? and some kind of 2 link holdin everythg 2getha. i dont think i wud trust drivin down the motorway wit these setups.
choppedcivic98   +1y
people are shocking there setups, why would you need a two link????? this is independent suspension!
flatnbaggedcivic   +1y
i most likly will be runnin shocks because i had to take out my sway bar, plus i dont want it to be all over the road when im goin down the highway. It's safe if you do it right, well i hope, this is my first car and my first time building something like this... I'm doing all this in my auto tech class in my high school, but so far everything is safe it just feels like your in the ocean when you drive it because it doesn't have shocks. The only thing im worried about is my spindles. I welded them my self so im praying. Ill keep every body updated with my progress.
flatnbaggedcivic   +1y
i got 10 inches of lift off 130 psi. I will also be bracing it to the firewall.These are the only things I'm worried about. I dont want them to break goin down the road.