i do HVAC for a living, im an installer. today, on the job i cut the piss out of my left forearm. some duct pipe that had been previously cut down to about 2ft or so was standing upright and i bent down to pick something up next to it and the top edge fileted(sp)(i hate misspelling shit!) my forearm wide ass open! its a clean straight cut about 4"-5" long at a angle on the back of my left forearm. it was 21 stitches (4 stitches that dissolve and 17 regulars) im 23 and never had a cut deep enough for stitches or broken a bone or anything until today, just a new experience wanted to know if anybody else has cut the piss out of themselves and had a story behind it. stitches didnt hurt to get at all, i think i have a decent pain tolerance, but they didnt hurt a bit! just figured theyd be a little more painful! storys anyone?