--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by AVTekk Smoke was black, meaning its running rich, not terrible. The build was good, they chopped the top and everything but the suspension was weak since it didnt lay out. As for the minitruckin comments, you have to understand how it is out there in Cali, and realize that theyre reffering to the 80s and 90s all the time. Theyre talking about water falls and fishbowls and shit like that, not dressed up clean ass trucks that tuck huge rims. --------------------------------------------- Out here in Cali? Not sure what you are talking about, the idea that a lot of people are labeling mini truckers with over here is the Baller Status guys with the lanbos and 28's and things like that. The old school mini style, you see more of that coming out of the mid-west and east coast from the magazines. Jesse does love his VW's, my stepbrother started with him when they built the Wambulance and later Jesse hired him to stay on and my bro was a big VW guy and that was the one major thing him and Jesse had in common