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Air Ride Suspensions \  Juice vs Air (ppl who have done both i need ur opnions)

Juice vs Air (ppl who have done both i need ur opnions)

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
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replies 50
following 31
no1lowr   +1y
juice is for breakfast i have had 3 juiced vehicles and about 10 bagged, never had a good experience with juice, although i do know of a couple guys who swear by it.
HockeyGod37   +1y
I has my s-dime juiced by the old and good MIC.. they did a great job.. i can accums all the way around and it rode BETTER, WAY BETTER that my bag set up that it replaced. the old MIC also bagged my truck.. i would run the juice if its done right..
daily drive my car 70+ miles a day. for over a year now, no leaks no nothing. maitnence.. but a little brake cleaner never hurt anyone.. get a street charger.. havent charged my batts since i juiced it.

juice the accord. don't do air.
crzyone1013   +1y
i have juice on my taco and the lift is crazy and it was done with less work than it would have taken with bags. but if you do juice then make sure you get the accumulators, i don't have them on my setup and it rides like ass, horrible but hillarious with passengers. on some of the bumps in the road i can get air just from driving over them. but then again i do ride with the front up all the way so i can clear my 4" bd on those 18's. i also managed 22" of lift in the back. i have a reds setup on it and i prefer the pro hopper setups more. i had a pro hopper setup on my 92 yota and it was awesome, messy but awesome. i managed to break the entire front end from hopping it all the time. but air is also much lighter if you like gas mileage. the four banger in my taco is slow as hell with my juice setup and four batteries, but thay are slow to begin with. i guess is all just preference. i am doing a bag setup on my 89 with a canti and i should get good travel all around but it does require more work than if i had just went with juice, but wheres the fun in that? in the end its all your preference. i am more in favor of air myself. good luck either way man. be sure to let us see the results.
laidout94toy   +1y
I have had both on my truck. My bag set up was not to good and was not giving me enough lift for the front since I have a big body drop. With juice my truck rides way better and gives me enough lift to turn corners. You do have to maintain juice, check fittings, charge batteries and shit but for me its worth it. Go Ez did my install and they did a great job. I would'nt switch back to bags. Another thing is not alot of people have juice. It just takes some tweaking to get your system perfect.
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TwistedPhil   +1y
One thing Miles told me a while back was that your seals wear out way quicker when you run accumulators, because the cylinders' shafts move with all of the bumps in the road. This leads to more servicing, which leads to more oil...
I'm not trying to steer you away from hydraulics, even though I'm one of the guys selling air! Just keep in mind everything you'll have to live with on a daily driver so you're happy with the end result.
The EasyStreet air struts for the Accords are very reliable, and mine rode great on my Scion- better than the coilovers they replaced. I put 20,000 miles on my air setup before I sold the car, and as far as I know it's still on the road without a failure!

Good luck with your decision!

-Phil at FBI
fatheadjames   +1y
Get triple seal cylinders and get them honed once a year or so and you'll be fine.
juicedwagon   +1y
i had a juiced accord and am now building a 91 caprice wagon on juice. everyone that has built there own ride with hydraulics has had issues, its all in the learning. now that i know what i do i can tell you i will have no problems with my new settup. here is a few things i have learned

- replace whatever fittings you get in hydraulic kits, well i can only really say this about prohopper but i figure most have cheap fittings to keep the cost down. replace them with parker fittings and check valves

- hone out the cylincers so your seals last longer,fatheadjames also said this)

-when you work on them oil can get messy, bring a role of papre towls and you will be fine as long as you use your head.

- buy a nice multi batterie charger if you live in a house or dont drive the car a lot. if its your daily or you drive it everyday you should be ok with a street charger. i have owned one and i hated it but james(juicedford) seems to love his. i think i needed to tell them i was goin to be running optima batteries.

- i always kept a extra dump sylinoid in my glove box too, never used it though.

- check the swivle fitting that comes right out of your tank, it will lossen up on you from time to time, after i installed parker fittings that was my only leak, i just tightened it down a little every week or so and it was fine.

i think thats about it. you will love hydraulics over air. i will never install air on anything unless im going to be towing with it. hydralics are great, once you learn about them you will love them too
draggindakota   +1y
Never had juice, but have worked on friends cars with it. Either way, reliability is all in the quality of the parts and more importantly the install. If you go with juice, get this book:

Even if you don't install it, get the book that way you'll at least know about the components.
marcus760   +1y