Originally posted by kr1s
Edited: 11/3/2007 8:47:39 PM by kr1s
@ sema i spoke with lance at viair i asked him about similar problems he said to make sure the check valves are verticla if they are horizontal they will collect moisture and destroy the check valve (have been dealing with him for a while and no problems with him at all just great service)
man I think you and lance got it backwards. The Check valves should be HORIZONTAL because if its vertical, the moister would just sit on top of the check valve, eventually corroding it and ruining the seal on it. I've had mine horizontal for 2 1/2 years on a 380 and no problems, but when I put on vertical, it blew. Think about it, it makes more since to put the check valve horizontal, how would moister be able to sit on the valve sideways it cant