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Mini Truckin General \  fuck all this hatin - planejane/layinrocker/trailer balls

fuck all this hatin - planejane/layinrocker/trailer balls

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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following 57
FreaksLo720   +1y
after reading all six page of this i just have to poop now.

fuckin up speedbumps sence 1988..
bdroppeddak   +1y
ooh brandy thats the one with the cool lookin hair right, blond with the black in it? eh she seems too crazy, i hope the blonde girl looses and maybe all the crazy mail i send her will convince her to come lookin for me after such a heartache....
jmn444   +1y
i have to poop too...

but i agree w/ cris that it's just fun to push peoples buttons.
bdroppeddak   +1y
this just in: ive found proof their is no god.... "the hills"... i only thought shows like "scott bao is 45 and single" and "rock of love" and "i love new york" and all the others were the worst shows.... until i saw "the hills".....
no1lowr   +1y

bdroppeddak   +1y
this gives me a new look on how lucky i am to live like 1500 miles away from "the hills".... i can only hope for the best for you cali people.... one day, you too might be part of "the hill people".....
guiltybydesign   +1y
Originally posted by NO1LOWR

plane jane is no where near legendary, i think its a cool truck because its stockfloored on 20s with a small block, i also feel that doing the motor all flat black and such is a cop out, however i realize its part of the style of the truck, built after the plane, but hey, to each his own.


haters hate, thats what they do, its their job, let them be good at it.

its trad dropped on 18s. Just stating the facts.
layedoutnissan   +1y
nice loooking yota.

Originally posted by lucky_brew

Edited: 11/24/2007 11:31:47 AM by lucky_brew

i cut and pasted the links you posted. next time use the html code off photobucket. they didnt show up.

anyway, here is my toy from back in the day. i just bought another one off ebay!

this chassis was "hammered" (those new kids dont know those words. lol - hammered, slammed, dumped,,,) on air shocks all the way around! now thats fukin old school!

i was into minis when most of these guys were still riding bicycles! lol

post photo
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phatedscustoms   +1y
yes sir brandy had the cool hair. you know.... back in it's day laguna beach was the show to be watchin until steven broke up with whats her face. and the other girl got her own show witch i think is the hills. maybe? not sure. i live in East Texas so i personally would like my own show to see how many cows i eat in a year, and also maybe a camera crew could come with me to the uroligist(sp?) too see why i poop 5 times a day.
low10   +1y
people's opinions are like assholes everyone has matter what we do to improve the scene there will always be someone who hates something about the people or rides.i think sometimes people put their fingers in action before their brains and this is were all the hate begins.i would say about80-90 percent of minitruckers/fullsize truckers are class act people its the few bad apples that spoil it for thing to do to those people is just leave them alone all they are doing is looking for attn. and trying to stand out.